MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Who saw this in theaters 30 years ago?

Who saw this in theaters 30 years ago?

I did when i was 5 2 times (one with my mom and one with my dad) and thought it rocked, been a fan of Alien since 31 years ago when i saw the original on cable and thought it was scary as hell and this sequel ruled.

"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"


Most people (mainly kids/teens/young adults) who complain A1 isn't all that DIDN'T see Alien in a dark theater when they were young and sadly that is a completely different viewing experience than watching A1 on TV (possibly edited) and worst of all hacked to all hell to allow for commercials. Same goes for A2. See it in a theater at least once if you haven't already.

Your one of the lucky ones Tales. The only movie that freaked me out more in the theater when I was very young was The Exorcist. Alien and Exorcist were both ground breaking and spawned oh so many copy cats even though obviously neither flick was 100% original which would be very hard to do nowadays IMO.


Wow, has it been that long? I saw this opening night at the 8pm showing in Westwood (Los Angeles). Needless to say, it was one jaw-dropping, insane experience. People were literally crouching behind the seats as well as leaping up from them. My companion felt it necessary to hit me so hard in the thigh I had bruises the next day (she did this especially during the Newt and Ripley scene, when they are pursued by the two face-huggers).

When the movie ended, I noticed at the back of the theater was James Cameron. He wasn't quite famous yet, so people just walked right by him. I went up to him, said hi, and thanked him for a wild time, for the bruises... and that he must be insane to be able to have kept that energy going throughout the movie. He laughed, and said, "Well, we're here just seeing what the audience reaction would be... and that's a pretty good one."


I did, twice. What I wouldn't give to go with my dad & my best friend & do it again. Dad is gone & my friends are all too busy to see movies anymore. 1986, Take me back!


I've never heard a theater crowd cheer more than when that bulkhead rose to reveal Ripley in her power loader.


One thing about this movie I remember is the stories people told about how rocking the movie theatre was. Crowds were cheering And clapping. Everyone talked about what an experience it was at the movies.


Crowds were cheering And clapping. Everyone talked about what an experience it was at the movies.

during or after the movie? that kind of behaviour during, you'd be escorted out of the building. it's like putting your headlights on at the drive-in (was an easy way to get punched in the face)

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


During the movie. And yes normally you are right but people were so into this movie it was an experience in itself. It was not the annoying "don't open the door!" People yell out during a horror movie. Maybe people were more vocal back then during movies, bc now you have to deal with teens talking and texting And hope you don't have to get someone ejected. But yes it was a fun movie experience that you don't see much anymore to me.


I did! I was just shy of 15 and very sheltered. My best friend at church had gone with her Dad, who was a super cool sci-fi film geek, and she wanted to go again, so she convinced me to ask *my* Dad to take us. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I liked sci-fi. Somehow my Dad fell for it, and he took us. It was awesome! I loved it, even though I was terrified and kept clutching the teddy bear my friend had brought with her. (I still can't believe she didn't warn me.) It was the most fun I've ever had in the theater, and when teh loader bay door went up I lost my mind.

We convinced another group of older kids to take us one more time, and then thank God for rental movies so I could keep watching it over and over. When I met my husband, oen of the first things he suggested was going and buying Aliens on DVD so we could watch together, and that's how you know you picked a winner. :-)


I didn't get to see in theatres (wanted to but missed it) so ordered it as soon as if premiered on pay per view


Skipped work to go see it with my wife in Pittsburgh. The lady in front of us was so tense that she threw her bucket of popcorn back on us at the first jump-shot, I yelled "Wow, that was a great special effect!".


I didn't get to see it when it came out, but it left an impression on me back then because my dad saw it when my mom and I were on vacation and he couldn't stop raving about it - and this is a guy who can't stand sci-fi. He kept talking about the marines, the helmet-mounted cameras and I'm thinking "this has to be good if he liked it."
