Wow, has it been that long? I saw this opening night at the 8pm showing in Westwood (Los Angeles). Needless to say, it was one jaw-dropping, insane experience. People were literally crouching behind the seats as well as leaping up from them. My companion felt it necessary to hit me so hard in the thigh I had bruises the next day (she did this especially during the Newt and Ripley scene, when they are pursued by the two face-huggers).
When the movie ended, I noticed at the back of the theater was James Cameron. He wasn't quite famous yet, so people just walked right by him. I went up to him, said hi, and thanked him for a wild time, for the bruises... and that he must be insane to be able to have kept that energy going throughout the movie. He laughed, and said, "Well, we're here just seeing what the audience reaction would be... and that's a pretty good one."