The scene where she is attacked by a xeno and wipes the cockpit window with her hand always strikes me as hilarious, for no reason other than the obvious fake-looking syrupy blood along with the cartoonish squeaking sounds.
I always felt so sorry for her as she looked like a very capable tough-ish chick and gets wiped out (pun intended) way too early in the film, from behind, mid air.
I felt the same way. She was harnessed in & couldn't defend herself. With that said, they were stupid for not securing the drop ship in whats' essentially, enemy held territory. Kinda dumb & the scene plays out like they deserved it.
To be fair they didn't really take Ripley seriously and believed that even if they found anything at all they'd kick it's ass. They brought Marines for cover but it was primarily an investigative mission.
We have to show the world that not all of us are like him: Henning von Tresckow.
I could understand them thinking like that...that is until they see the results of the colonists battle with the aliens inside the compound & the massive fight the Marine unit has before they call for the drop ship. No F'in way should the drop ship not be airborne, waiting to get the word, & ready to engage with weapons or make a contested landing/extraction to pick them up on a moment's notice. The relaxed posture with the ramp down was just nuts. They would be orbiting the compound in an offensive posture, listening to comms, weapons armed & ready to fight at that point.
No F'in way should the drop ship not be airborne, waiting to get the word, & ready to engage with weapons or make a contested landing/extraction to pick them up on a moment's notice.
The clue is in the name - DROPship. It's the equivalent of beach landing craft, basically. It's not a gunship or patrolship. It has a bunch of ordnance (and I think a single nose canon) for the purpose of hammering a landing site to make-safe for the APC they're dropping off.
The relaxed posture with the ramp down was just nuts.
Looks like they were doing checks and maintenance, so that the Dropship would be ready to move when the time came.
They would be orbiting the compound in an offensive posture, listening to comms, weapons armed & ready to fight at that point.
Gorman told them to stay on-station. They were doing as told.
I hear what you're saying, but for me, the drop ship crew's behavior & the unit's tactics were not shown in a professional, realistic military style. That scene was purely filmed to give the story line an excuse to strand everyone there & made no actual sense from a tactical combat standpoint.
Yep, because it makes perfect sense for the transpo bird (thats' also packed with weapons) to land on a planet that has an outbreak/infestation of an obviously hostile alien biological entity of unknown origin with zero protective measures taken, the cargo ramp left wide open, and no one defending the craft while an active combat operation is underway nearby. Yeah, OK, right. Could you see a modern day helicopter crew land on the opposite side of a hill from an ongoing battle in Afganistan & then exit the aircraft, wander around willy nilly, smoke a cigaret or two, take a leak, pick their nose, & not pay any attention to their surroundings? Like they said on MNF tonight, C'mon Man!
a planet that has an outbreak/infestation of an obviously hostile alien biological entity of unknown origin
Wait, what? What the *beep* are you talking about? There are NO hostile organisms on LV-426.... It's a rock. No indigenous life!! Besides, there have been people living there for over twenty years and THEY never complained about any "hostile organism"...
with zero protective measures taken, the cargo ramp left wide open, and no one defending the craft while an active combat operation is underway nearby.
OK, so we take four or five Marines away from the APC detatchment to defend the Dropship... and then what? Send in just five troops and an officer to go sort everything out?
Even if the doors were all shut and locked and double-locked, the Alien could just as esily smash through the windscreen, kill Ferro and then go get Spunky. I suppose they should have known this in their professional tactical military SOPs too and refitted the Dropship with double-double-armoured glass...?
Could you see a modern day helicopter crew land on the opposite side of a hill from an ongoing battle in Afganistan & then exit the aircraft, wander around willy nilly, smoke a cigaret or two, take a leak, pick their nose, & not pay any attention to their surroundings?
I HAVE seen, actually. This is why Cameron depicts the Marines as overconfident and technology-reliant, dossing around when they can, because they can.
Like they said on MNF tonight, C'mon Man!
You are *assuming* they were standing around doing nothing, while fully comprehending not only the mere existence of Aliens, but also knowing exactly what they are and what they're capable of and that they're coming... You are seeing this through audience 20-20 hindsight and applying it to the characters.
The only critique of the Dropship crew conduct is that they were not listening in on the combat, which may not be SOP anyway.
But back to the real question - Where was Bishop?
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I get what both points are on this. Probably at first they left the door open bc they didn't believe much was going on at first. But they had to be listening as their squad was being wiped out and have an idea of what was happening and by then been a lot more cautious. They didn't call for immediate evacuation, they debated for a few minutes in the APC. When they did call, spunkmeyer was not in the ship and had to close the ramp and only then noticed the goo of the alien. Maybe they were not monitoring the battle, it never says yes or no. But once they new they had engaged hostiles, I would think unloading boxes would stop and they would make sure the drop ship was secure, and be in a defensive position. Perhaps we assume they know what happened and don't, and there in lies the disagreement. So from my perspective, I understand not guarding the ship with someone stationed at first, but after the battle you would think they would be extra careful. Bc they didn't appear to be extra careful, there in lies the debate as to why. It's hard to know what they did or didn't know, but I think i have to assume they knew the squad was wiped out, so bc they didn't have the ship secure by then, the question of why is asked.
Perhaps we assume they know what happened and don't, and there in lies the disagreement.
I would assume they had no idea, which is why they weren't coming to evac everyone the instant people started screaming and dying.
It's hard to know what they did or didn't know, but I think i have to assume they knew the squad was wiped out, so bc they didn't have the ship secure by then, the question of why is asked.
Makes more sense that they *didn't* know, which is why they were unloading and whatever instead of coming to save their friends. reply share
Yes if they didn't know it makes a lot more sense I'll agree. It explains it. I just don't know know why they wouldn't be told what was happening. And when Hicks called for immediate evac, she didn't ask any questions as to what's up. But I'm no expert on military protocol.
And when Hicks called for immediate evac, she didn't ask any questions as to what's up. But I'm no expert on military protocol.
When someone says IMMEDIATE evac, it probably means they don't have time to hang around and chat on the radio about it... even though Spunkmeyer kinda started down that exact road and got told to move it!!
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Yes, believe in mad people who talk about aliens or your nuclear power stations will all blow up and your space shuttles will crash. It's like Animal Farm, but better - Total allegorical representation, yeah...
I was attempting to be silly and juvenile, and not in the least bit antagonistic. It's unfortunate that you saw it differently. I guess we can't win everyone over...