New streaming Channel: Aliens inspired game!
I initially posted this over at the Video Games board and the Star Wars board because I've been playing games relevant to both franchises so I figured I'd go ahead and post it here as well. Don't mind me while I whore out my new twitch streaming channel!
Original Post(slight modification):
Hey everybody. I thought I'd create an account here on the IMDBs to shamelessly promote my new streaming channel over at twitch. I've never really done this kind of thing before, at least not until recently, but I find myself with considerably more free time than I've had in the past and it's always been something I've been interested in trying. When I finally got my rear in gear and decided to actually dive in I figured it'd be best to actually do some promotion and see if I could make a success out of it at all. So here I am, pandering to you folks!
In seriousness, if you have the time or inclination please check out the channel and let me know what you think. Tips, chat, and suggestions are all welcome so long as you can keep it relatively respectful and have a good time.
I'm currently playing a first person survival shooter game called Space Beast Terror Fright. It's a stupid name, I know, but I think fans of the Alien franchise would get a kick out of it. Especially those fans of Jim Cameron's Aliens from 1986. It doesn't have the license for the franchise, being an indie game and all, but it might be the best translation of Aliens to a video game that I've personally played. It captures the tension and atmosphere perfectly and is incredibly reminiscent of the space marine's initial investigation of the Hadley's (sp?) Hope colony.
Come watch me fail at the link below!
(currently not streaming, but should this thread generate interest I can hop back on)