Opening Dialouge
Does anyone know the lines that Jim Belushi (Bernie) says at the beginning of the movie when he was telling the story about the girl he slept with that lit the room on fire?
shareDoes anyone know the lines that Jim Belushi (Bernie) says at the beginning of the movie when he was telling the story about the girl he slept with that lit the room on fire?
shareSo? Tell me about last night.
Are you kidding me?
Are you pulling my leg?
- So?
- So tits out to here.
- Some 20 years old.
- You must be fooling. You devil.
You think she hadn't gone the route?
- She knew the route, did she?
- Are you kidding? She wrote the route.
- So where am l?
- Probably at the Pancake House.
I'm over at the Pancake House, and this
chick walks over to the cash register.
19 or 20 years old.
She wants to buy a pack of Viceroys.
She gets the smokes and says
she forgot her purse up in her room.
- Was she a pro?
- At that age?
At this point, we don't know.
So we sit down and get coffee
and she says:
"Come up to my room
and I'll pay you back for the smokes."
- You're *beep* me. Was she a pro?
- At this point, we don't know.
She says, "sit down, you want a drink?"
I say, "what have you got?" "Bourbon."
Then what shot does she pull?
A) she says:
"I think I'll take a shower".
- And B) she says: "Then let's *beep*
- She said that?
- Was she a pro?
- At this point, we don't know.
So I say: "I'll join you in the shower,
if you have no objections".
So in we go, and does she have a body?
Are you kidding me? The tits. The legs.
Are you *beep* fooling me?
The ass on this broad.
- Young ass?
- Well, young broad, young ass.
So we get out and towel each other off
in his and her full glory.
While we're toweling off,
I flick the towel at her, -
- and by accident, I hit her on the ass,
and we got this big red mark.
I'm all sorry and so forth,
but what does this broad do -
- but let out a squeal of pleasure
that would *beep* kill a horse.
What the hell, I'm liberal,
so I heave a chair at her.
- Draw blood?
- Not yet. But what does she say?
"Wait a minute!" She pulls out
a suitcase from under the bed -
- with a World War Il flak suit.
Zip, zip, she gets into the flak suit,
we get down on the bed.
- What are you doing?
- *beep*
- But she's in a flak suit.
- She leaves the zipper open.
But the shot is,
every thirty seconds or so, -
- she wants me to go "BOOM"
at the top of my lungs.
So we're humping and pumping,
and every once in a while, I go "boom".
In the middle of everything,
she turns on a little tape recorder.
I don't know what the shot is.
All of a sudden I hear:
I'm pumping away, the tape recorder
is making airplane noises.
Every once in a while, I go "boom",
and the broad starts going crazy.
She's moaning and groaning -
- and screaming,
"Red Dog One to Red Dog Squadron".
Suddenly, she screams, "Wait!"
and pulls out a five-gallon jerry can.
It's full of gasoline.
She splashes it over the walls -
- pulls out a zippo and "whoosh",
the room goes up in flames.
So the tape recorder is going ... ,
the room is full of smoke -
- and the broad screams,
"Do it now, for the love of Christ!"
So I look at the broad,
and I figure, *beep* this nonsense.
I struggle into my shorts,
make it to the elevator.
The place is filled with smoke.
The elevator arrives,
and the hall is filled with firemen.
- Those firemen make out like bandits.
- Nobody does it normally anymore.
These young broads don't know
what the *beep* they want.
- You think she was a pro?
- A pro, Dan?
A pro is how you think of yourself.
See my point?
I have one thing to say about this opening...
It's too bad Belushi have such a secondary role in this movie because him along with Liz Perkins are better at any points compare to Lowe & Moore.
Awesome dialouge!
Truth about me: "Timid and shy and scared am I of things beyond my kin."
The opening to "About Last Night..." is actually the entire first act of David Mamet's play called "Sexual Perversity in Chicago." He also wrote the plays (which later became the movies) "Glengary Glen Ross" and "Hurly Burly." The guy writes great dialogue!