about last night...
Many people in my lifetime have asked me what my favorite movie is. When you're young, you say something out of ignorance. As you get older you realize that it's a really tough question, especially if you have seen hundreds upon hundreds of movies. Well up until last night, I didn't have a favorite and I told anyone who asked me that it was just way too hard to decide. But then I started to think about a moment in my life from a few years ago. My life was very chaotic at that time and full of high ups and the lowest of downs. I was packing my things together to move out and I made my way upstairs to my old room where I came across lots of old vhs tapes. I started going through them one by one. Mostly I just fast-forwarded through them and either took them or put them back. Then I popped in this un-marked vhs tape and started to watch. Soon I heard the voice of Jim Belushi and Rob Lowe in some obviously old movie. This was the summer of 2002 and I had no idea what movie this was. My fascination got the better of me and I kept myself at bay instead of speeding through to see what else was on the tape. I was hooked from the very beginning. I didn't even pay attention to the credits of who was in the freaking movie. I just bit (hook, line, and sinker) right away.
The more I watched, the more I realized it was an 80s movie. I was born in 1980 and the 80s have and will always continue to have a really special place in my heart. Jim Belushi's character immediately connected with a side of my personality which i keep hidden from a lot of people. He's unbelievably confident and has a racey sense of humor. His love of women, sex, and jokes in this movie was pulled off very well. He became extremely likeable in this movie to me. He epitomized to me what is and what will always be the TRUE definition of " a guy ". And then right next to him was another part of my personality in Rob Lowe. Rob was more sensitive but still shared the same love for sex, drinking, and jokes that Belushi did. This lead to their great chemistry. Belushi needs to talk about life and Lowe is the guy that he needs to talk about life to. Then in came Elizabeth Perkins and Demi Moore. I had fallen in love with Perkins in the movie " Big ". Her character in " Big " also touched a lot of my personality so I was excited to enjoy her presence once again. I wasn't really into her hair-style in this movie but her acting more than makes up for it. She's the anti-guy b!tch that guys absolutely hate to come across and would rather shoot themselves than try to talk to. She pulls it off so well and I was enthralled with her portrayal of this character. She, like Belushi and Lowe up to this point, MADE me believe that she really was the anti-guy b!tchy best friend. Her quick wit was essential for this movie. If she's going to be the know-it-all, then she has to be quick with a comment or comeback (which she was all throughout the movie). Man, then there's Demi. You know, I hate the fact that Ashton is with her (possibly married to her by now). It makes me insanely jealous. Even though she doesn't look anything close to her appearance in this movie, it still makes me mad.
There have been women I have seen in movies throughout my life that I have had some pretty big crushes on. There was Kim Catrall in the 80s. Perkins in the aforementioned " Big ". Monica Bellucci in the last 5 years. Alyssa Milano in the mid to late 90s. Right now I've got a thing for Jessica Alba, she's just absolutely perfect to me right now. But Demi Moore in " About Last Night " does it for me more than any woman I've ever seen or met. People often like to say that the book is better than the movie. I've heard that crap all the time. I know this was adapted from a screenplay but still, no book ever written could give me what Rob Lowe and Demi Moore gave me here. These two had to be dating in real life around the time this movie was made. The chemistry just kills me every single time I see it. The way they look at each other. You can just feel the emotion coming right through the screen on to you. From the moment they catch eyes at the bar right up until the scene on the baseball field at the end. I don't know of any time in either Demi Moore or Rob Lowe's life that they ever looked better than in this movie. I found myself thinking that I wanted to be Rob Lowe's character. I wanted to be him in love with Demi's character. I wanted to be him, at that time, that year, in that city. It was so weird, I almost can't put it into words.
This movie just made me feel so much. The fact that Demi, Rob, and Perkins were all in their early to mid 20s made it that much more believable for me. The way that Demi and Rob look at each other is the essence of love. No words, just the purest of emotions. The feeling of wanting to always be with that other person no matter what. Their sex scenes were how I want my sex life to be. Nothing too crazy and never boring. They had such physical passion for each other. They both loved sex and they both loved having sex with each other. This movie was done at a time when they were allowed to get away with these kinds of scenes without being chastized too much. But the sex scenes were never filthy or sleazy. They came across as real and extremely passionate. It was essential for the movie. You had to know how much they felt for each other. Plus the music that played during some of their love scenes made the passion and love that much more evident.
I love all the music in this movie. From Sheena Easton to John Waite, the music fits in perfectly. For 1986 and for this movie, no one alive could have picked better music. As I was watching Rob run after Demi in the park at the end and John Waite's " If Anybody Had A Heart " was playing I just broke down and cried. I couldn't help it. I didn't ball or weep like a baby, but I broke down. I just wished it was me so bad. Everything just came together at the end there. Belushi and Lowe reconciled and found a way for their friendship to work as did Demi and Perkins. The way that Rob puts aside his pride and his "guy" side and just comes out with his true emotions. That's how I want to be like. I want to be exactly like him in this movie. He's got his guy-side, but he's learning how to become a man. I'm 25, only a few years older than Rob was when he starred in this. And man, I sure as hell hope that I can find a woman like Demi's character in this movie. Everything about the actors, the acting, the story, and the music is real to me. I've never seen a movie that hit on so many levels inside of me. So about last night, I finally figured out what my favorite movie is.