MovieChat Forums > About Last Night... (1986) Discussion > This movie should have won the academy a...

This movie should have won the academy award

I saw this movie on cable in the autumn of 1986 and was totally enthralled with the pacing, the acting, the dialogue, the plot, the setting, and yes the very emotional ending. Lowe and Moore were brilliantly cast as were Belushi and Perkins. Even Robin Thomas and George DiCenzo were great in their limited roles. Perhaps it was because this movie reminded me so much of the dating and mating scene that I traveled through and was traveling through at that time (the corporate softball leagues, the after work bar scene, the dating, the moving in together, then moving out, the romance, the sex, the infatuation, the waning of interest). The entire movie was a brilliant depiction of 20-30 something love and growth. Zwick directed lots of movies and TV episodes since 1986, but in my opinion he has yet to duplicate the brilliance and passion of About Last Night.


I saw this film for the first time last week and twice since... it's really stayed with me. The chemisty of all four of the characters felt special and I longed for Dan and Debbie to work it out. I thought it would be a generic but charming sort of romantic comedy fronted by these gorgeous people (I love both Lowe and Moore, which is why I decided to watch it in the first place) but it went so much deeper than that. I agree it should have got more recognition in awards season.


I agree witht at. It was probably dismissed as romantic fluff. Watching it, you could see that Demi Moore and Rob Lowe were going to be huge actors. I've seen this movie maybe 30 times (not an exaggeration) and I still cry at the end. Throughout the movie, you feel what they are going through, from the giddiness of new love to the pain of a break up. I just bought this at a Blockbuster going out of business sale--yay me!


I remember when Siskel and Ebert reviewed it years ago and they both had it on their Best of the Year list in 1986.

Great movie and it's timeless.

"Give a hand to my band, Sexual Chocolate!" Coming to America




Well yeah, Im not a big fan of Platoon myself, but these two films are hard to compare.

Anyways, I definately agree that this is very underrated. Its one of the best romantic comedies I've seen and it still has only 5.9/10 right now. I can't say exactly what is it that people don't like in this film... is it too serious or are people too immature or what...


I agree on the academy award, it's one of my favorite films, but I think back in '86 this movie was just another dramadic(drama/comedy) chick flick because of the relationship stuff and pretty characters(don't get me wrong, that's obviously not what I think of this movie!) and thus wasn't nominated.


I'm sorry. But I'll have to disagree with you. I like Rob and Demi, but that's about all I like. I'm watching this movie right now, and I'm fighting the urge to change the channel.


Uh, autumn of 1986? The film came out in the summer of 1986 so how is that possible? Did you mean 1987? Anyway, Platoon, which did win Best Picture, was worth it. Maybe this could've been nominated, but it is the type of film that the Academy doesn't vote on.
