MovieChat Forums > About Last Night... (1986) Discussion > What's with the gloveless softball?

What's with the gloveless softball?

I never heard of this, or saw this outside of this movie. Is this a thing? Was it ever?

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I thinks it's called cabbage ball. Similar rules as slow pitch softball, but I think you can throw the ball at a runner to get him out. Not too sure about that one though.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


It's a regional game called Chicago 16 (no relation to the Chicago Transit Authority album of the same name).

It's played like regular softball but it uses a somewhat larger bat and a "mush" ball (16" diameter as opposed to a regulation 12" softball) and no gloves. Otherwise, same game.


Thanks for the answer. I always wondered that myself.


That's how they play 16 inch softball.


A glove big enough to field a 16" softball would cost a fortune and take half a cow.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


I was looking at the ball in belushi's hand in one of the scenes i tought that it was way bigger than a regular softball, never heard of it before


Why do adults play softball? Dont they feel daft playing a childrens game?


I grew up in Southern California. In Junior High (I guess it's called Middle School now) we played this in Phys Ed class. Pretty much the same rules as softball.
