I found a copy of Stone's draft and read it. Stone did introduce the characters of Angel and Sarah in his initial draft. He does keep that Scudder accidentally killed a little girl which is why in one scene, Scudder is unable to shoot Angel when he gets his chance, because he fears hitting a child. It is set in NY. His draft is not as good as the novel. However, his script is closer in spirit and tone to the novel than the movie is.
I looked at Hal Ashby's bio and from what I read, it sounds like Ashby does bear a huge blame for why the movie turned out like it did. Ashby wanted to set it in LA instead of NY. The production company hires David Lee Henry to do a rewrite of Stone's script. Neither the production company, cast or Ashby likes Henry's draft. Henry is fired and then Robert Towne is asked to rewrite it. Towne takes too much time and can't finish before shooting starts. The film is set to shoot without a finished draft that everyone can agree on. As a result, Ashby, Arquette and Bridges are writing scenes out on the day they are supposed to be shooting them. The production company is unhappy with Ashby shot and decides to do the editing themselves.
Thus, Stone is responsible for Angel and Sarah but as for shooting in LA and the confusing plot structure, that responsibility lies on Ashby and the production company.