Why the Kate Bush cover?

Any one else noticed the Kate Bush album cover instead of a poster for this film?


Yeah, I just remarked it and was wondering too ; some kind of bug or, probably, joke. Another bug is : why doesn't this forum appear in the main page of the movie ? Unlike other movies, you have to click on "IMDb message board for 8 Million Ways to Die (1986)" to join the message board.

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Amazon has the Kate Bush cover as one of their VHS versions for sale used. It's marked as a collectible for $290. There has to be a story behind it but it at least explains where IMDB got their poster photo from. The other version has the real VHS cover with Bridges and the rest of the cast. One of the few Ashby films I haven't been able to track down. Waiting for a DVD release...



I got the VHS for a pound I think. No, 50p... :D Still isn't that great a film. Brilliant director and leading actor though and a nice noir feel, having said that


Which Kate Bush cover was used as a poster for this film? The error seems to have been corrected on this site. How were videos actually released like that? Was it a production error?
