MovieChat Forums > 52 Pick-Up (1986) Discussion > Why did the cars crash?

Why did the cars crash?

After Bobby shoots the two guys, two cars crash in front of the building for no reason. It seems like they just put that in the background to look cool. WTF?


They would have been able to see into the porno place & thus the dead bodies... in shock & awe... the 1st car skids to a stop causing the pile up... Work with me on this one.

"This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's out there."


I don't think they would have been able to see, from a car, bodies lying on the floor inside a building. They wouldn't be in the line of sight. It made me laugh when I saw that, because it seemed like they just put it in to look cool. There was no way the people in the cars would even know someone was shot.


Maybe because he was walking down the street ,holding a gun with a silencer on it,in plain view.


Ayyyy.... Now that's thinking....

"This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's out there."


They would have seen Bobby shooting into the building. Why you would stop to watch a killer with a silencer is beyond me...


I noticed that too, a nice touch. My guess is that they saw him walking down the street with the gun. He's a pretty mean-looking guy. Perhaps the first driver that caused the crash was just the sort of person who gets shocked easily.


Your use to seeing open 24 hr porn shop and design so not see through, then this day you are passing and the windows are popped out and you see clearly into the interior. I just finished watching that scene when reading your question.



They couldn't have seen the bodies lying on the floor from a car driving by at 35mph. Plus, as someone else pointed out, he had a silencer. They wouldn't have heard or seen the shooting or the bodies, IMO. Road side accidents attract more attention than a guy walking down the street with gun at his side, IMO. He did not do enough to attract that much attention, it looked silly, like they did it just to look cool, like the stupid scenes of thieves walking away from getaway vehicle they have rigged to explode (Heat, Takers, ad nauseam).


made sense to me. it was a quiet night until that!

Silver Lining Accounting Service: "We satisfy or we eat it."
