If they did a remake

Who should be playing who in your opinion?

In my opinion, I think the best celebs for the characters would be

Tom Cruise - Harry Mitchell
Bryce Dallas Howard or Hilary Duff - Barbara Mitchell
Mark Wahlberg - Alan Raimy
Djimon Hounsou or Tyrese Gibson - Bobby Shy
Adam Goldberg - Leo
Jordan Pruitt - Cini


Steven Seagal as the main man, no doubt. On a serious note, I could see Robert De Niro playing Harry Mitchell. He does not have to fight a lot, he just has to look tormented and have a cunning look on his face. And perhaps Willem Dafoe as John Glover's part, because he sort of looks like him, and always plays a good villain. Or perhaps Kevin Bacon, for the same reasons. Leo should be played by Danny Devito.


Jimbo, that was a nice try, but I can't see any of your actors (except for one) getting the roles you've identified.

Here is my attempt:

Mitchell: Clive Owen
Barbara M: Noami Watts
Alan Rainey: Gary Oldman
Bobby: Lawrence Fishburn
Leo: Adam Goldberg (I kept him..good choice)
Cini: Scarlet Johhansen (she would not do the movie I think--she doesn't show skin unfortunately)


Liam Neeson Harry Mitchell
Nicole Kidman (I love her in anything and everything) Barbara Mitchell
Robert Downey Jr. Alan Raimy
Dwayne Johnson as Bobby Shy
Kevin James Leo
Lindsay Lohan (She's lost her shyness) Cini

Paybacks are a Behar!



I was Emperor and I could remake this movie,

It would involve
1) half the nudity (maybe none, the story and the dialogue would be good enough to get the point across)
2) Femka Jenson
3) Don Cheadle
4) keeping it in the year 1986 (or any part of the 80's)
5) Sarah Roemer (or the girl from Twilight)

i don't know,
just a few things come to mind. The movie was good enough to just be digitally remasterd and shown in 3D.

I would have "Roy" in some role doing a cameo, that's for sure.



I wouldn't see it. I see no reason to re-make a great film--except to make money off people like YOU.

Make new, equally good films, instead.

Secondly, you made a point of mine for me.

You said 'I think the best CELEBS for the characters...'---not the best ACTORS.

John Glover wasn't a celeb (or even well known), when he made this, but I've followed his career ever since. BTW, he's still alive & could be in any remake. His character isn't age-specific.

I thought he'd have made a smashing Sheriff of Nottingham, in Costner's 'Robin Hood', not that Rickman was less than brilliant.

Carpe Noctem!
