What a Pretentious Bore of a Film
I remember how this film was the darling of critics back in 1986. I saw it when I was a teen and did not like it at all. So I just got it from Netflix to see if my many years of wisdom would give me a new appreciation for the film. No - I was a pretty smart kid.
The film is laughably pretentious. The music is shockingly not good. The first time Dexter Gordon plays the sax, I thought it sounded awful (he butchered "As Time Goes By"). And yet this won the Oscar for Best Score over Ennio Morricone's haunting music in The Mission.
The story is pointless - we never understand what the Frenchman sees in Dale aside from his music. Dale himself is nothing more than a dull drunk who goes on about how music is his life when in reality he prefers booze. It's hard to judge Gordon's performance. He is basically playing himself - his raspy voice (he was diagnosed with cancer of the larynx shortly after making the film) and detached demeanor could be read as brilliant by some, I guess, but I just did not have any empathy for this guy.
There is nothing fresh, funny, engaging or entertaining about this bloated, boring mess. It's called 'Round Midnight because if you start watching it at 3:00 p.m., by the time it's over it will feel like it's 'round midnight.