Things I Found Unbelievable About This Show Are…
How in the hell did everyone have this guys number? No matter what the circumstance they knew where to go, who to call. Did he advertise? Word of mouth? Someone, knew someone, knew someone, who spoke about this guy? At least The Equalizer had a ad in the paper and even if I had seen it, I’d dismiss it 5 minutes later, so it’s very unlikely if you’d seen his ad, post,link what have you, you’re going to have it on hand, if and when you needed it, IF ever so that part is a little out there.
Also if what you were in trouble for seemed legit, he then responded quickly in real time which really WAS out there.
He seemed to have a backstory, and I’m talking about the dreams he had. I wasn’t a religious watcher of this by any means but I kinda wondered what his deal was. He kept thinking about his past to something that happened to him. Does anybody know? Was his real identity ever revealed?
What’s also VERY out there is this “Favor for a favor” business. He HAD to get his funding from SOMEWHERE! C’mon now. Whatever he was doing before must have been very lucrative because it obviously set him up for life to go and do this kind of thing. I doubt very much he’s being funded by “somebody” as in an organization of some sorts. The government would have no interest in him doing what he’s doing for people so that’s a no.
Not to say that he never gets burned on the “favor for a favor” promise. I’m sure he must, I mean what’s he going to do? Shoot somebody? He probably plays the averages and see who honors it and who doesn’t and just cut your losses more often than not for the people who don’t honor that agreement.
That sounds very familiar, that premise I mean. Didn’t someone say for instance like “The Shadow” do the same thing? I thought he did but it’s been ages since I saw the movie, I could be wrong.
PS: FYI, I checked to see if this show was on Amazon Prime, it is NOT. If you go there, it will say that the rights have expired. But this IS on the iTunes/Apple Music store and you can’t buy it but you can watch every episode for free! You have to deal with a few ads, just a couple of they’re not bad and everything seems to be good quality. So that’s a nice little deal I’d like to share with everyone searching for this.