I tuned in today and like the last 2 weeks the show switches to infomercials after a minute. It's really strange, does that happen for anyone else? I'm not devastated or anything, watching the show online might be the best way to go at this rate....But STILL damn it I want to watch it on TV.
"EAT IT! Eat it you sick, twisted f---!" - James Caan, Misery
Being a syndicated show it is almost certainly an issue with your local station. I never have that problem, but I constantly have to deal with the show not starting on time (even starting 15+ minutes early!). I literally have my DVR set to start 30 minutes early and end 60 minutes late, just to make sure.
I have the same annoying problem here in Detroit, Mi. My local ABC station (WXYZ TV ch 7) seems to have a love/hate relationship with the show..
It was airing consistant at 2am late Sun. Ratings must be suffering here since Ebert and Roeper left, because for decades it aired at 12am Sun.
Well some Sun. without warning, the local news at 11pm will go an hour long on Sun. then they will still show the weekly sports recap show at 12am..They did this on Dec. 20, and instead of airing the show at 230am, they showed the Boston Legal rerun. So the show either aired in the afternoon Sat. or Sun. that weekend or not at all. I couldn't check my cable guide because I was in the hospital with heart trouble and they only had basic Direct TV (boring!)
I didn't check to see if things recorded as planned this past weekend but I doubt it. We had the two terror scares at Detroit Metro last week so I'm sure my local station used it as an "excuse" to do another Sun. hour recap in the news.
NOW looking at my program guide, it looks like they have no plans to air it AT ALL this weekend!! They are doing an Auto Show Preview special at 12am Sun. followed by Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and Boston Legal repeats as planned. In the day they have plenty of room for 3 Matlock reruns and all sorts of "Paid Programming". So this show must have really sunk locally ratings wise for them to do this. I fear now it may be gone for good unless they sold it to another local station. That would be telling since it's been on WXYZ since its debut in 1986.
I know there are more ppl as o.c.d about the show as me. Can anyone tell me what they reviewed the ep of Dec. 19 and 20? Thanks. I hate the way they have the website. I wish they'd do whole episodes but it must mean good business if we click around to give them "hits".
Just recently, KABC-TV 7 in Los Angeles has switched "At the Movies" from it's usual day and time, Sundays at 6:30pm to simply Saturday at 4:00pm. It's being replaced by "On The Red Carpet" with George Pennacchio. It started happening since the Academy Awards had aired last week, which "At the Movies" wasn't on. However, I did taped it the following week on Reelz Channel though.