The Movies or The RGB

Which did you mostly grow up with and which do you like best? Personally I loved GB I & II but I can only think of a few times I watched The RGB as a kid and watching it now it was a pretty mediocre show at best. The style of humor is different, the animation is very cheap, The GB look and sound different, and great characters like Dana and Louis are not in the show. Not to mention Slimer is a pretty annoying character.


Louis Tully was in ABC seasons 4 and 5.


I think you need to watch it again. The first two seasons are terrific. I love both.


I adore the two movies, and a youtube review convinced me to purchase the RGB set, due to 10 episodes reviewed that actually sounded worthy of the franchise had they been done as movie sequels, with the 1984 cast or even the new one now that the premise has been established and can try to make their own name instead of using a crutch.
