Can somebody fix this???

Hello! I'm a huge PS fan. I noticed some errors on the episode list and wondered if someone could fix it. I don't know how and you can't really contact the site to fix it. Here is the problem I noticed 3 mistakes in the episode list. On season 3 episode 9 its listed as Future Shock and it is supossed to be Night School Confidential. Plus Season 3 Number 10 is untitled which is supossed to be Future Shock. And in the end of the list Night School Confidential is added as a new episode in season 8. Can somebody fix this.


Season 3 is all messed up. Actually, episode 9 is "Future Shock", but a lot of the other ones are screwed up. I'll see if I can try to fix it, but I have tried before and they don't always accept changes to the episode numbers.

OK...I've updated the episode can take up to 2 weeks which means until 9-8. If the changes aren't accepted, I'll check with the help desk as to how to get it fixed.


Future Shock is ep 10
