Virgilia? (Contains Spoilers)

So I've read both "North and South" and "Love and War," but I don't care to read "Heaven and Hell" simply because I didn't like the mini-series it's based on. One thing that happens in this mini-series that doesn't happen in the book "Love and War" is that Virgilia murders Congressman Sam Greene, and then gets hanged. Is there anyone who has read the book "Heaven and Hell" who can tell me if that happens in that book? I just find is weird that it happened in the mini-series, but didn't happen in any of the books.


I can't remember it too well, but I think she redeems herself in the 3rd book, she helps Charles keep Ashton from getting Mont Royal, and she gets engaged to an African-American man. That's all I can remember.

If you read the other two books, you may as well finish the trilogy, the 3rd book isn't as long as the others.


Yeah, the thing I really didn't like about the 3rd mini-series is that Elkanah Bent should have died in the 2nd one, but then he's back to cause even more problems. I read the synopsis of the 3rd book, and saw that he's also in that, so I don't know if I care about reading it.


I haven't read Heaven and Hell yet but considering that book II was nothing like the miniseries maybe there will be enough changes in Book III to make you forget about the miniseries.


I guess when they made the 2nd movie, they didn't know Bent would be an important part of a third book.

Anyway, his part is pretty entertaining in the third book.
