JCCrewgirl is right, actually. I became a huge fan of the show at the age of 5, myself, but it's really not ideal for children at all. It changes after the five part pilot for a WHILE, but the love triangles return......Kimber/Jeff/Max, Kimber/Jeff/Sean, Jem/Rio/Riot etc (the last of which dominated an entire mini-season!!)
The song lyrics may have been softened after the five part pilot, but the lasciviousness only ENHANCED - and greatly so! We see a number of guys hitting on Jem, and Jem often giving them the time of day - even if she was never technically unfaithful to Rio until she met Riot. It was all rather subtle, but it can still skew a child's mind.
Both men and women were sexualized on the show, particularly in the music videos - again, subtly, but potently nevertheless. Watch such music videos as:
*. 'Jealousy'
*. 'Love is Doin' It To Me' (at one point no less than 3 different guys are presented to either Aja or Shana, I can't remember which, as "options")
*. The 2nd 'She Makes an Impression' in the episode SCANDAL (in which all the girls who roller-skating with guys we've never seen before)
*. 'Free and Easy' (in which the Misfits fantasize about being fanned by half-naked men on the beach)
The idea presented to children is that grown-ups can casually go out with/date/have fun with the opposite sex as much as they want, particularly if they're glamorous people like the Holograms and the Misfits.