Is it good?
Is this a good tv series?
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart
YUP! But VERY slow compared to GOT and the like.. (if children and/or loss is in your life = more impact)
shareby gasivodo » 4 minutes ago (Wed Jan 21 2015 15:41:04) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2005
YUP! But VERY slow compared to GOT, ETC. (if children and/or loss is in your life = more impact)
Happy Valentine's Day! share
No, it's definitely not a "good" tv series ........... it's a SUPERB TV series, one of the very best ever produced by the BBC.
shareby fortean2 » Sun Apr 19 2015 14:54:16
IMDb member since July 2006
No, it's definitely not a "good" tv series ........... it's a SUPERB TV series, one of the very best ever produced by the BBC.
Hello, there :)
The T.V series were produced at the height of the nuclear paranoia and economic gloom that drove Margaret Thatcher, here in Britain and the USA of Ronald Reagan, Troy Kennedy Martin's landmark drama broke new ground and handled uncomfortable subjects with sometimes unsettling depth and accuracy.
The late Bob Peck, in one of his greatest performances. He was a great actor.
Film is good, but series are much better.
*I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel injected suicide machine. I am the rocker, I am the roller, I am the out-of-controller!*
by hailhydra86 » 56 minutes ago (Mon Jun 22 2015 21:58:10) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2015
Hello, there :)
The T.V series were produced at the height of the nuclear paranoia and economic gloom that drove Margaret Thatcher, here in Britain and the USA of Ronald Reagan, Troy Kennedy Martin's landmark drama broke new ground and handled uncomfortable subjects with sometimes unsettling depth and accuracy.
The late Bob Peck, in one of his greatest performances. He was a great actor.
Film is good, but series are much better.
At the time it was the world's worst nuclear power plant accident. Now that honour goes to Fukushima, where THREE reactor cores have melted down in the "China Syndrome" sense of melting down. They still have no idea where the melted cores are, let alone how to contain them. As Tepco said early on, they are going to have to invent a new way to deal with this situation because there's nothing they can do at this time.
And yes, there is wildlife in Chernobyl. Life finds a way.
by hailhydra86 » 1 hour ago (Mon Jun 22 2015 23:42:21)
IMDb member since May 2015
At the time it was the world's worst nuclear power plant accident. Now that honour goes to Fukushima, where THREE reactor cores have melted down in the "China Syndrome" sense of melting down. They still have no idea where the melted cores are, let alone how to contain them. As Tepco said early on, they are going to have to invent a new way to deal with this situation because there's nothing they can do at this time.
And yes, there is wildlife in Chernobyl. Life finds a way.
sharecan you still believe that it's burning?
more than 60 years and going?!
Because the fire burns in underground coal mines at depths of up to 300 feet over an eight-mile stretch of 3,700 acres. As of 2015, the fire continues to burn. At its current rate, it could burn for over 250 more years.