I missed one

I've been recording the full details (cast & crew) for every episode as they've been rebroadcast on Paramount2. But I missed one :(
Episode 5.3 broadcast on Thursday last week.

I was away for a few days last week and my system seems to have flipped to another channel when it should have been on Paramount2.

Did anyone record it? Can you supply full cast & crew?
It was the one where Jacko first met Lynn (Catherine Terry), the unlucky shopkeeper that kept on smiling.



Replying to myself...
It's the last episode tomorrow. But it's still listed for the rest of this week & into next week so I presume they're going to run them all again.



Can you supply DVDs of BRUSH STROKES, after episode #13 which I think is the last show of series 1 (the one that ends with Lionel and his wife back together). Even though I'm in America I can play R2 DVDs as well as PAL VHS tapes. Any help here?
All the best,
Sheryl Aumack
Westchester, CA, USA


No, sorry Sheryl. I have no DVD writing capability.



Steve: Can you do PAL tapes?


I could (in theory) - but I didn't keep them :(
I am hoping that the later series will be released on DVD as well.
All I did was record them to watch them and note the full cast and crew so that I could update the IMDb entry for each episode. I recorded them onto "temporary tapes" which I then over-wrote as soon as I'd watched them

But watching them all again also reminded me what a great series it was



Hi Steve. Please let me know if you could make a copy on dvd of series 3-5. id be willing to pay the price you consider. thanks. Frank.


Sorry, as I said above

1) I have no DVD writing capability

2) I didn't keep them
All I did was record them to watch them and note the full cast and crew so that I could update the IMDb entry for each episode. I recorded them onto "temporary tapes" which I then over-wrote as soon as I'd watched them

