grandad always made me laugh as he was always so rude and ungrateful when they brought his dinner round,and after going to the trouble to knock at the door with his food,he would always tell them to piss off or complain.really funny stuff. Does anyone else just love the grandad?
Yes, I always liked him for that. He seemed to enjoy being crabby, I think. I wonder what he would have done without them next door, though I doubt Nellie would consent to moving away from him. I think she felt obliged to look after him in some ways.
One thing puzzled me regarding Grandad. My mum was under the impression that he was Nellie's dad because Nellie was the one who saw that his meals were taken round etc but I'm sure when Joey or someone went to the DHSS office, they stated that Grandad's last name was Boswell, which suggests that he was Freddie's dad.
Then again, it seemed like Freddie didn't stick around long enough to look after his own kids, never mind any elderly parents.
"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."
He was the mum's dad because on one ep and the later seasons he go to the DHSS and tell her his last name it's start with a D. But here something both granny were named Emily because on season 1 ep 6 Jack is burying something in the grave said Emily Boswell died 1979 mother to Freddy and cyril. and Joey said that his granny died 3 year ago now the show started in 86 so she must of died in 83 or 84. and on season 5 when grandad is talking about his lover Jack said I thought granny name was Emily. So inless in the first season they wanted him to be Freddie dad in got her grave wrong they changed it because Aveline said the Mum in the same house she was born in so which mean he had to be Nellie dad. but both her and Freddy called him granddad as well I mean why didn't she call him dad because I know he couldn't have been her granddad not when she was in her 50s and him in his 70s. it never said anything about Freddy parents because when a lady asked Jack if he had anyone in heaven he just said me granny and Uncel.
That would make sense - I'll have to get my videos out (hopefully it's not the one the video recorder ate!) and look over them.
It is a funny thing, actually, now you mention Nellie calling him "Grandad" - for some reason you made me think of my dad's parents. I never knew my grandad because he died when I was one but my gran always used to refer to him as "Dad", never as Joe or Joseph (which was his real name).
I think you might be right - that when it started off Grandad was meant to be Freddie's father but the way it developed, it was more reasonable to make him Nellie's dad.
And age-wise, I think Nellie must have been in her fifties. I don't think it was ever mentioned how old Joey was but I'm sure Billy was about 16/17 at the start and I always reckoned Joey was maybe 8-10 years older, which puts him in his mid-to-late 20s (I think the series gives the feeling that he is quite old enough to be living away from home, were it not for the family ties - it's almost like he's taken on the role of "father" to his brothers and sister), so it would make sense - Nellie possibly married in her twenties and by the time Billy was born she was somewhere in her thirties.
"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."
Emily Boswell 1904-1979 beloved mother of Frederick and Cyril and much loved grandmother of Joey, Jack, Aveline, Adrian and Billy
Also, in the episode where Uncle Cyril is buried (or has his ashes scattered) at sea, Joey says to Grandad that he knows Grandad never cared much for "Dad's side of the family" which makes it sound like (at that point) Grandad is meant to be Nellie's dad.
Joey also mentions one of the many DHSS scams they've got going. Grandad owns their house and Nellie owns Grandad's house. Each rents the house from the other and then they put a claim in with the DHSS to say they need help paying the rent, which explains how Aveline can say Nellie still lives in the house she was born in.
"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."
I might of got tis wrong but as well as both Gran's being called Emley, there was a Uncle Fred as well as Freddie who sent of went out with Auntie Aida (and this Uncle Fred) was Shifty's Dad yes?
Sorry just that the line this was mentioned in in Serieas 4 was so quick and fast to grasp.