MovieChat Forums > Bread (1986) Discussion > Name of the streets in Bread

Name of the streets in Bread

Are the names of streets in Bread real streets? Like Fidian street or Kelsall street? I have often tried to look for them on Google Earth or Yahoo Maps and never been able to find anything.


grafton street


I'm not sure, but I think there's a Kelsall Street in Blackburn, Lancashire. I'm sure I've seen one somewhere.

"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."


The street names are fictional. The real name of the street is Elswick Street. This is one of several streets that are very close to each other situated in the Dingle area of Liverpool. These streets are very steep with Cockburn Street at the top & Grafton Street at the bottom.

Hope this helps with the Google Earth search


Thank you very much! Took a drive down there today (printed directions off Google Earth) and its only about 15-20 minsutes away. Its changed so much. All the pavement has been changed, the street road has bumps in it and at the top and bottom of the street they have little flower pot things. On Bread if you look down at the bottom of the street you can see the River Mersey. Now, all you can see are new flats. I parked outside of number 30 where the Boswells lived! The house now has double glazing. There are a few houses with the doors from Bread but most of them have changed.

Thanks again for the info!


It's changed a great deal. I grew up in the street next to the one which Bread was filmed in. We had some laughs with all the cast/crew when the came to film the series. I used to especially love it when they blasted lights on to the streets to prolong the filming hours. This meant I could stay out later as my mum said I could stay out until it went dark. It did get a bit annoying though because the crew would close off the surrounding streets sometimes while they filmed scenes. I actually had to give the BBC as the reason I was late for school a couple of times, ha ha


That would have been great to see. lol imagine saying that to your teachers. I always think why did they choose that street for filming? All the streets in Liverpool they picked that one. Anyone know why?


You can see those streets over the Mersey from New Ferry Bay in the Wirral or at least you used to be able too a few years back. I haven't been down there for a while so it might've changed since.

Gemma x


no they are not the real street names. wikipedia lists them.
