I wonder how (if) Celia and Leonora might of got on - what do you think?
Sometimes I think Leonora had a bit of Celia in her character (though I sense a lot of Celia was founded on Carla with her alternative types of Tea and caring nature which i'm a 1000% sure is what Carla is), but then again I think might Celia of been like Leonora and may-be had a good job etc, but got fed up with the pace of life and changhed her lifestyle totaly as she was a fair bit older than Leonora I think - though not too much.
I know Celia once said she was a writer once but we know very very very little about Celia - par she once dated Shifty before (i'm unsure if they were engaged the 1st time though), but we know more about Leonora in the fact she was married to someone called Ray and had kids who she never heard from any-more and obviously the career change helped her! What do other Bread fans think about - if Celia and Leonora could've been more a-like if they'd had a chance that might first be thought?