
First of all I love this show so much and nothing could put me off.

But it could of been alot better if the moral value had been improved.
Lying and cheating ,tho, not very good values were part of the show and didn't really bother me.
But what did was the whole sex before marragie thing was incredibaly bad morals. Tho I did like the fact that they showed the bad side effects of it (like becoming pregnant and the hurt it causes on you in concern with your relationship) and not just portraing it as good and great.

Another thing that got to me was, in the first episode of seson two, the picture with the naked girl. Considering the children watch this show not the best picture they could of used.

And just so you know I really really love this show ven if i don't agree with the morals.


I think they were trying to demonstrate how, although Nellie had high moral standards, her views (as noble as they were) were out of touch with the "real world".

"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."


Don't assume everyone shares your "morals". Many of us (probably the majority in Western Europe) do not see sex before marriage as immoral in any way. Why should we? Who determines what is moral and what is not? You?

I'm not entirely sure I follow you that getting pregnant is a side effect of sex before marriage - I always thought it could be a side effect of sex at any time if you didn't take precautions against it. But maybe that's just in my world.


They did show the effects of having a baby at 17 and the pressures that put on Billy and Julie, I mean they weren't exactly happy about it were they?!

And in fact the lying and cheating of the system that they got up to was all because of their father's loose morals, running off with Lilo Lil instead of supporting his 5 kids! So the show really told us how loose morals lead to bad situations!

And Nelly, for all her "old-fashionedness", was the one rock who held the Boswell family together, after all!! Without her they could all have been on the streets!!!


That's true about Billy, Julie and the baby. Because he became a dad while he was still really a child himself, he never grew out of the urge to go back to his mum for security when things got tough. (And I'm sure a lot of us have that feeling at various times.)

I think Billy (in fact, I think all of the kids) took what their mother did for granted. I remember a scene where Julie mentions getting a job or something and Billy replied to the effect that his mum doesn't work, so Julie replied, "No, she does the cooking and the cleaning, the washing, has a meal on the table every day, does everything."

I think Nellie's desire to hold the family together did her sons no favour. Every meal time, she came up with the food - and it wasn't just something zapped in the microwave for twenty seconds. Then one day, she says she's going out and they say "But who's going to get the food?". I think she raised the boys with the expectation that any woman in their life would do this exact thing. She never really encouraged them to do anything for themselves.

Her sense of family unity was very commendable but she didn't teach her children to be independent if the need arose. My parents, my sister and I can quite happily spend time together and then we go off and do our separate things (still in the same house).

"If we go on like this, you're going to turn into an Alsatian again."


Using your Existentialist thinking, who are you to tell RCG she's wrong?

In spite of what the liberal crowd (if it feels good, do it) would have you believe, we have risen above mere animals copulating whenever and wherever the mood strikes us. Well, most of us have - the rest are in the process of dragging us back down.


Funny, I thought it was her trying to tell the show's makers that they were wrong! That the show would have been better her maybe, but she's not everyone.

Yes, we have. Is that in any way related to the subject at hand? Why does sex before marriage equate to "copulating whenever and wherever the mood strikes us"? What made the marriage ceremony so important? That would be religion. Are we all religious? No. Should we be? No. Many of us have no time for the artificial construct that is religion. Does that make us bad people? Most certainly not.

Incidentally, only the extreme right (particularly the American religious right) would equate "if it feels good, do it" with liberalism. That's anarchism. Or the philosophy of Aleister Crowley.


Who are you to speak for everyone?


I wasn't claiming to. In any way. Try reading posts before you answer them. You'll find it far more rewarding and you won't look quite so silly.


In terms of Nellie and her morals, she was really a hypocrite as you say she had "upstanding Morals" in a religous sense as a pretty devout catholic, but she was also a benefit cheat and a she committed fraud, both illegal under the laws of the country, the point of her looking after the kids was actually her being a control freak, and Joey points this out to her in a blazing row in the last episode when Nellie is left in the kitchen all alone, as everybody has walked out on her.


the mothers morals reflect a lot of people who think they can commit crime and then run for forgiveness to their "god" . they are total hypocrites and the very people that destroy all that is good.
this series was a dire unfunny programme about a group of people id never want to meet. when i was a child i watched this and found it totally depressing..i caught it again this morning and found the same thing.


Didn't blame Freddie in the least - I preferred.Lilo.Lil!
I have no.objection to either fiddling the system.or premarital sex!


Not hard to spot a Yank, is it? Sanctimonious creep.


This thread is another fine display of what a useless bunch of monsters we humans are.
