Age Mistake

OK When the show start Billy is 17 in 1986 and 87 then in 88 he 19 however grandad is still 75. Next one when Nellie tell Derick the ages she said Joey 13, Jack 11, Adrian or Aveline 9, Adrian or Aveline 5 and Billy 2 well here the thing if she said Aveline 9 that wrong because it went Joey, Jack, Adrian, Aveline and Billy. the Later seris Adrain said something about when he was 4 Billy then said that when he was born also Adrain birthday was in July and he got married in June when he was 25 going on 26 and Billy was 22 which makes them 4 years apart that would make Aveline 23 or 24.


I remember an ep where Adrian said he was 4 in 1970, so he would've been born in 1966 (6 years after Jonathon Morris himself!) - making Adrian 20 in Series 1 (1986).


I don't think it was consistent. In the early series, Martina tricked Adrian into saying his birthdate, and it was in 1960. Plus he used to always say he was 26...ish.
