MovieChat Forums > Bread (1986) Discussion > Favourite sibling?

Favourite sibling?

Mine was Joey, but I also liked Adrian as well. He found it so hard to adjust to the fact that he wasn't in real estate any more.

The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr. Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Perce?


Joey! But only the original actor, Peter Howitt. The replacement Joey missed Howitt's charm - that mix of vulnerability and toughness. I could forgive Peter Howitt the leather trousers, gold jewellery, bleached hair and gargantuan mobile phone, because he made Joey deeper than the surface tack. The second actor looked like a petty criminal, and couldn't quite pull off the different layers of the character. I must admit that I can only really remember watching the earlier series. Did we ever find out what Joey did for a living (I know he got caught out eventually, and ended up owing money)? And wasn't there an episode where Joey got his lovely face broken by Roxy's husband?

I also loved the Jaguar, the first choice of any self-respecting 1960s EastEnd villain!


"Tony, if you talk that rubbish, I shall be forced to punch your head" - Lord Tony's Wife, Orczy


Yes, I definitely liked the first Joey better (although, to be fair, I only have the first four series on video and DVD - I'm still hoping the BBC will put the last two out in one format or another), and I think I liked the original Aveline better than the later one - the second seemed much, much older than the first. (Also, I seem to remember that Aveline went from being convinced she would never have children because she didn't want to spoil her body to being obsessed with becoming pregnant as soon as she married Oswald the vicar.)

I can only remember bits about the end but I seem to remember Jack getting together with the neighbour, and Joey and Roxy disappearing to get married only to bump into Adrian and either Carmen or Irenee, after which they all returned home and Joey and Nellie had a big row in the kitchen.

The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr. Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Perce?


Joey is deffinatly my favorite ( and the hottest) but I do like Jack and Aviline. I agree the first joey was the best. He represented joey in such a great way and all. I really hate it when they replace actors it just doesn't seem right and i just can't get used to it.


I had a crush on the second Julie Boswell. There's something about her that make me fancy her.

Does anyone know of any Hilary Crowson websites? I think she is unsung and unrecognised in these series.


My favorites were Joey num 2 not 1 I like him as well but I like num 2 better also Adrian in the laters seris Jack was ok I like the first Aveline I hated the second one and I really hated Billy I never thought he was funny at all and I hated the mom later on she was ok in the earlier eps but in the later eps she got on my nevse I'm glad Joey told her off on the last ep.


Actually I find Jack quite cute....



Not one of the siblings, but my favourite character was Lilo Lill - she was the best by far!


Don't say that name in this house... TAAAAAAART....


The original Joey
