tooooooo underrated

i am extremely fond of this movie, the story is exciting, the dialogue is witty, the acting is good and even the music is wonderful. my 11 year old son is also is mad of it. we also like "without a clue".


This movie and Without a Clue are my favourite alternate takes on "Sherlock Holmes".


despite a low rating, i stiil recommand this to everyone, because it's a fantastically entertaining film, even though Conan Doyle didn't write this, it is still very fun to imagine two younger versions of the characters, when i first saw this film, i was delighted by it, the story plot, the special effects, and espicially the music, I loved the music.


This is a terribly overlooked film. The special effects are better than some of the CGI currently out there and the story and acting are better than most films this style.



This film is VASTLY underrated....and it's one of my all time faves.

WONDERFUL casting (especially Holmes and Watson) very impressive acting, action, and comedic touches...and quite touching in spots (Elizabeth's death being the most 'tear inducing' of the lot...;) plus an absolutely brilliant score...I cannot recommend it more highly, truly an unsung classic for the entire family!


'My name is Dr. Henry Killinger, and this is my Magic Murder Bag.'
-The Venture Bros


This movie is an easy 8.
It has a beautiful atmosphere.
All this snow, the victorian England, boarding school, the excellent soundtrack.
Not to mention these many memorable quotes, the clever story and a remarkable Post-credit scene.
Harry Potter can pack up and go home.


I wouldn't necessarily say the film is under-rated but It's not in my opinion half as bad as some people have made it out to be, I think the problem was that some people wanted to see a more adult take on Holmes youth when all it was supposed to be was an affectionate family orientated spin on his younger years. Obviously they took some licence with the history of Holmes and Watson when they were teenagers but the film-makers acknowledged this at the very end of the film just before the end credits began to role. Apparently Holmes and Watson's did not first meet and become friends until they were full grown men and their first meeting was recounted in one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories. But never the less I quite liked it and took it was for what is was meant to be. Some hate the Indiana Jones style and more fantastical elements of the story and while it is admittedly a bit far fetched I suppose this was obviously so it might appeal to a young audience of children from possibly 7-12.

Nicholas Rowe made for a very convincing young Holmes while Alan Cox, son of Scots actor Brian Cox made for a good young friend, companion and to an extent comedic relief. Both had good chemistry together and I lied how they didn't portray Watson as being a total buffoon and that he was intelligent in his own right. After all he does eventually become a doctor. It is who who first realises that Eh-Tar is Rathe spelled backwards when Holmes himself hadn't and although it took him a while he eventually solved the riddle involving the polar bear at the end, plus if I remember correctly he also saves Holmes life in one segment of the film. Plus I almost found myself falling in love with Sophie Ward in this as well who was wonderful, sweet and kind as Elizabeth. I know if sounds as if I'm showering praise on this but it did have It's faults but I didn't think it was hald bad at all.


Harry Potter can pack up and go home.

Hear, hear !


I was really surprised to see that this didn't do better at the box office. I knew it was no big hit, but would have thought it managed to at least break even. Too bad, it really is a charming movie.


There's something screwy with IMDB's record of the gross. If you click on the further information for the gross, they have two figures but the second higher figure is the correct one (matching the $19,739,575 on Box Office Mojo). Mojo doesn't list the budget, but both IMDB and Wikipedia have $18 million. So the movie did manage to gross more than its budget domestically.

Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!


What a charming film. I saw it 25 years ago. I had forgot about it but watched it a week ago. It still holds up.


As far as "reimaginings" go, this was a lot better than the s***ty Downey Jr. film and the crappy "modernized" BBC series out now.

I may be love's bitch but at least I'm man enough to admit it. -Spike


I was thinking it was pretty underrated, too. Holds up well with the best of the 80s adventure films in my opinion.


It's not perfect. No film is, really. It is quite good though. I like it. &


Absolutely! 

I am completely STUNNED that Spielberg never frigg'n followed up on this and continued to make sequels. The guy was AWESOME as a young Holmes, and Watson was great.

WHAT THE HELL then...???!

I now have over 7000 films; many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK! 


No one I know even knows this movie exists. I love this movie. Started watching it again at work today.

((Damn the remakes, Save the originals.))
