Ariane's acting in Year of the Dragon was the weakest link in the movie, especially when contrasted with Caroline Kava(Connie). She seemed so angry and shrill at times even when it wasn't called for. I thought maybe it was just my opinion, the lone one out there, that her acting was bad, but then I researched and found that she was nominated for a Razzie for her chops. Not that the Razzies settle the subject, but it is a bit more justification for my opinion. Other than this bad acting and a cheesy ending, I thought the movie was fantastic and would recommend it.
it is a proven fact that she only got the role because she was the director's goomah (baby mama) and she had just gotten fired from a chinese restaurant 2 months before they started filming, so he stuck her in there at the last minute.
it really pissed off jane fonda, who was originally hired for that role (for her connections to SE asia and all)
----------------------------------- "Where.... can I put my ash?"
There is another problem. Who, in 1985, would have been the Asian actress to put into the role? Tsai Chin was too old, Fran Nuyen was too sweet, Ming-Na was too young, same for Tamlyn Tomita. Nobu McCarthy was too old for the part, as was Nancy Kwan, Irene Tsu and so many others.
And I'm not talking about Chinese actresses. I'm talking about recognizable Asian actresses who would have been cast to type.
And to re-write the part for Jane Fonda would have been career suicide.
If I were the casting guy, and they paraded all of the above and anyone else who might even fit the parameter of Chinese news reporter, I would have looked at them, shrugged my shoulders, and said in a very weak voice, "Well, maybe . . . this tall Japanese girl is probably the best."
It's a 80s Hollywood film requiring an "ethnic" actress... so Rae Dawn Chong, of course.
But seriously, they had a pretty blistering audition process for the role. Who knows how Ariane managed it, but she must have done something during that process to get noticed.
Ariane's performance was a little shrill in some places (most notably where she comes home and finds that it's been turned into Stanley's police desk), but it wasn't the worst job ever. I had a bigger issue with the cheeseball ending, frankly.
I didn't think Ariane's acting was the weakest link. Her character was a strong minded individual who doesn't let anyone push her around and she display a wide range of emotions from being angry to crying.
I have met a lot of people in real life that are always so angry and shrill 24 hours a day. They blow up on anything and everything no matter how minor. In addition, when you tried to point out their mistakes in a tactful manner, they go ballastic on you. Furthermore, while people are saying that kids are becoming less polite, more disrepectful, and foul mouth these days, I also think that too many adults are being disrespectful, less polite, and foul mouth considering the fact that many of them grew up in the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s where you were taught to be polite and respectful to other people; otherwise, you get the stuffing beaten out of you. Former Vice President Cheney is an excellent example, when he told one of the U.S. Sentator to "F" off. Many drill sergeants of the 40s, 50s, and 60s were using foul language both on and off duty until they were forced to knock it off. The same for officers as well.
What about Julia Nickson, the girl from Rambo First Blood Part 2.. or Charlotte Lewis from The Golden Child.... There were plenty of Actresses around.. I think the OP was right.. this was a bad choice
Well Charlotte Lewis isn't Chinese or even East Asian. And I'd be willing to bet even money that Julia Nickson did audition. I know for a fact Joan Chen did (and she actually got her role in The Last Emperor because of it).
I've mentioned it before, but I actually do think Ariane was right for the role, but possibly not right for the filming process. A non-professional actor requires a completely different set of direction and motivation. I think Cimino and Stone made the mistake often made with non-actors: they chained her to the (verbiose) screenplay when they should have left the character vague enough for her to simply be herself.
I think even Cimino knows he failed in this regard. I recall a section on the commentary where he says something along the lines of "Believe me, Ariane did do her absolute best. She really went as far as she could with the writing she was given."
Not sure - I think I have to disagree with Cimino's assessment of Ariane's performance. I mean, Cimino co-wrote those lines! Maybe she did her "absolute best" but I think sometimes it's impossible to tell how good a script is until an actor / actress that knows how to give a half-decent reading makes it comes to life. She just has no nuance of language and timing - everything she says just "clunks". We're talking Sofia Coppola-bad here. I understand Cimino wanting to defend Ariane and his choice, but I think Cimino developed a tendency to cast horrendous actors in major roles (see "The Sicilian") starting with this film. Compared to the absolutely professional powerhouse of an acting job done by Mickey Rourke, her performance really does suffer.
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