Yep, just figured out how to do that recently with a so-so film, something about a Russian double agent or somesuch. but, at the end as the ending credits start, RUSH's Alex Lifeson starts playing this awesome song. It is not on any album and I couldn't find a decent download of it. Also, I wanted to capture it in full 5.1; it took me awhile, but I figured it out and came out with a nice, perfect full surround snippet with the song on it
BTW, I hadn't noticed the song in the club, but I DID catch the song that the young gang was playing in their little 'clubhouse' where the two guys who were shot were hiding. I THINK that it was 'INFATUATION' by, was it Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart...? I can't quite remember. I THINK it was the same song that opens the film 'THE SURE THING'...
I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!