
why did joey(john lone) kill himself???


I dont know for sure, but I suspect it was to avoid being arested or had somthing to do with honor.



Pssshhh, die with honor by his own hand?? (Actually not a wrong assumption in context of the movie, that's what I thought myself *shrugs*) But, uhhhh, I think that's a Japanese thing!! =P If he wanted the Triads to understand that he was not beaten or arrested by one determined cop, he should've just went Hong Kong on Mickey Rourke and shot him in the face... =P After he had convinced Rourke to give him the gun of course.

Yeahhh, I'm being sarcastic with the stereotypes in this film... Yeaahhh, I didn't like the movie... Yeaahhhh, I'm Asian.

Peacez outz.



for dramatic effect.


01. To avoid dropping the soap in federal penitentiary, that's why.

02.What? Convinced the gun from Stanley White and in return shoots him? Are you a coward or what? And that ain't no Japanese thang boa! O.k., back to myself: I meant to say "Japanese thing, boy"!



Joey was facing life without parole or possibly even the death penalty and he didn't want to endure the "disgrace" of either scenario and took a way out that would allow him to be remembered by the local community as a hero (even though of course we the audience know that he wasn't one). Most people assumed that Stanley killed him.


Why? Because he's *beep* He would have been busted after that.

What a waste. Oh, the humanity!
