John Lone's Performance

Why wasn't this guy nominated for a an Oscar? HIs perforamnce nothing short of brilliant.

Another Oscar snubb aye?


It's very memorable, I'll give you that.


John Lone is brilliant in any movies in which he plays. Even though I did not like the movie, his performance in M. Butterly was astounding. Also he was great in The Last Emperor and a little known movie called Shadow of the Peacock.


I agree his performance was excellent; however, I am still dismay that the press and Asian-American groups jump on Ariane for supposely playing a negative role of an Asian woman when they did not jump on John Lone for playing a negative role of an Asian man. Talk about double standard!


anyway - there is a 'sense of nobility' in his acting wherever he appears...



He was awesome in this movie. The White Powder Ma scene is classic.


John Lone's brilliant as always. He's actually more of a veteran in theater (Broadway type) as an actor I heard.



Lone played a gangster who just happened to be Asian. Any portrayal of someone who smuggles drugs, extorts money and kills people as a career choice is gonna be negative. Lone was amazing; don't ruin it by playing the race thing.


I have to give my man credit, John Lone's performance is loosely based on Al Pacino's performance as Michael Corleone in THE GODFATHER,PART II. Check out how he carries himself.....



John Lone is a great actor. Also check out Bernardo Bertolucci's the Last Emperor and Rush Hour 2!




Despite Hollywood's supposed liberalism, they're not going to vote an Oscar to a very good Chinese actor in a year when Berenger, Dafoe, Caine, and Elliott, and Hopper, all white boys, are all nominated for the best supporting actor Oscar. They'd already spent their liberal credentials nominating Marlee Matlin.


Heh, you are probably right...

His performance in this film is indeed one of my personal favourites, and for what it's worth I have seen thousands of films and he in this role just comes across SO damn COOL, doesn't he?

Also, I would like to add to others here that bring out the way he depicted his 'race' in a bad way. HUH...???! Are you frigg'n KIDDING me?! Soooooo then, we are all supposed to be offended then that Italians were smeared in 'THE GODFATHER' or that African American men were portrayed SO badly in 'THE COLOR PURPLE'? Uh huh... Makes a HELL of a lot of sense there, doesn't it...?

Look, to those who are SO damned sensitive and so fiery quick to jump on ANY racial issue (and YES, I KNOW these issues are serious DO indeed really exist, but we are talking about realistic portrayals of what people do no matter their 'colour') please take note of this rather clear fact:

People of ALL 'races' and colours do frigg'n HORRIBLE things; SOMETIMES it is connected to the darker parts of their culture (no lousy pun intended, I assure... ) I mean, COME ON guys! SOME people who happened to be Italian were ruthless killers and part of Organized Crime families, okay? In PRECISELY the same way, SOME Asian people are indeed involved in the Triads, etc. We could go on and on, but I would hope the point is made...

I have over 4000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!


He acting and some of the sets were the best parts of a movie that, for the most part, does not impress me.
