I have just finished watching Barfly and have also caught Pope of Greenwich and Angel Heart in the last week. I also revisited Year of the Dragon, which I saw many years ago. I have been on this Rourke kick lately because I cannot believe I was depriving myself of watching one of the best leading men I have seen in my life (25 years). I do not remember the zeitgeist when Rourke was at his best, but I wonder if he was seen in the same light we now view Russell Crowe or Denzel Washington. He certainly possessed the ability to carry a movie solely on his own like he did in Barfly and Pope. He also more than held his own alongside DeNiro. Obviously his career derailed and his potential was never realized. Therefore, he will never boast the catalogue of a Nicholson or a Pacino, but does anyone else agree that he showed flashes of brilliance that could have made him a screen legend?
Mickey gets a bad wrap. He is one of my favorite actors for sure. And one of the most talented around. His best films include:
Rumble Fish (His best film in my opinion) Sin City The Pope of Greenwich Village Angel Heart Year of the Dragon The Rainmaker Barfly The Diner Fade to Black
He also stole the show in Sin City. Being a reader of the graphic novels, he did justice to the character Marv. Which is always difficult in an adaptation.
I always enjoyed harley davidson and the marlboro man but never came to appreciate Rourke for real untill sin city, since then i've been trying to catch up on all the rourke films i neglected. It's exciting and inspirational that he's having such a good comeback and that he keeps getting more and more roles... amazing actor very underrated
MIckey Rourke was incredible in this film. I always liked his character in this film. Wish he would have taken more roles like this. This film plus Barfly and Pope OF Greenwich Village are my favorite Rourke films. Hope his role Sin City gets him more films on the big screen instead of straight to cable duds.
This is weird, I know- but when I first caught this movie on it's HBO premiere in 1985, I was barely 15 and I had never seen any of Mickey's Previous films- in fact, when I first saw this movie, I thought that the guy playing Stanley White was "that same guy from that new private detective TV show, you know? I think it's called 'Moonlighting'". Yes, I'm embarrassed to say now, but back then, I thought that Mickey and Bruce Willis was the same guy. Even weirder now that they're both in "Sin City". Of course, Bruce Willis just looks like he's naturally aged 20 years while poor Mick looks like a plastic surgery disaster. But for those of you who weren't around or are too young to remember when Mickey was at his height, let me just tell you- Pacino, Nicholson, DeNiro, RUSSELL CROWE? No- this guy was well on his way to being the second coming of Marlon Brando. Stanley White was practically twice the age of Mickey- and the characterization is utterly convincing. If you can track it down, check out "Francesco", an Italian produced film where Mick plays St. Francis of Assisi. Also noteworthy, if only for it's atmosphere and visuals (and the infamous love scene) is "Wild Orchid"- that is, if you can sit through the scenes where future ex-wife Carre Otis is required to display acting talents that make blocks of wood look animated.
I'd forgotten that he was in Diner, but I've never thought he was less than brilliant when he had a script worth reading. Barfly, Angel Heart, Year of the Dragon, and Rumblefish are weighty performances by one of the finest method actors of his generation. I rate him alongside Keitel and Walken when it comes to playing damaged goods. Unfortunately, self destruction seems to go with the territory at that level of emotional investment. I hope he gets some more meaty roles on the strength of his role in Sin City.
How come no one has mentioned Spun? I know the movie was an utter train wreck but The Cook? C'mon man! That was classic Mickey Rourke. I thought he was well onto his way for a comeback after that.......and really it did. I gaurantee it he got the Sin City gig on the strength of that roll.
He was absolutely terrific in "Year of the Dragon", the movie had its flaws, major flaws by the way, but Mickey was absolutely terrific. Can't stop praising him for his performance as Stanley White.
Mickey should have won several oscars. He should have one one for: Diner (of course it would've been a best supporting actor award) The Pope Of Greenwich Village Year Of The Dragon 9 1/2 Weeks Angel Heart And of course some will say Barfly. The man is totally underrated! He also was great in cameos to films like The Pledge, Animal Factory, and Spun. Hopefully his career will take off again due to his great work in Sin City!
Yes,he deserved two Oscars and at least five nominations.
Oscar - Best Supporting Actor - Rumble Fish (1983) Oscar - Actor in a Leading Role - Barfly (1987)
Nomination - Best Supporting Actor - Body Heat (1981) Nomination - Best Supporting Actor - Diner (1982) Nomination - Best Supporting Actor - The Pope of Greenwich Village (1984) Nomination - Actor in a Leading Role - Year of the Dragon (1985) Nomination - Actor in a Leading Role - Angel Heart (1987)
If you ask Rourke himself he'll tell you his career didn't derail so much as he just drifted away from acting. The interviews on the Angel Heart DVD have him telling the story of how he was a boxer (before and after his acting career) and he just got fed up with the Hollywood BS. He also says (almost tearfully) that Eric Roberts could act circles around some of these clowns that were more popular than he was. Rourke, like many of his characters, really is an anti-hero. I'm not a fanboy for many people or movies on IMDb, but I am when it comes to Mickey Rourke.
Hollywood is lucky when talent manages to trump politics. He has been too damned good to dissappear even when he basically said 'to hell with you all'. A role as in 'The Pledge' comes to mind. Perhaps in another era he would not have suffered as much bachlash? With all this talk of Crowe and Denzel (whom I like), I still find Rourke more unique and varied in his many fine roles.
rourke has better movies and his acting in those films is better than any crowe, washington and alot of others. besides dragon, angel heart,weeks, pope he was excellent in body heat.
the thing with mickey is - when I first saw him on the big screen i thought - who the hell is this guy - he had the quality and charisma of some grates and older actors like steve mcqueen, james dean... I just felt like i was watching new released movie filmed 20 years ago if you get my point
C'mon, Mickey's a comic. He hasn't done a good movie since this one. Now he's trying to get his pet chihuahua in every frickin' film. Mickey WAS acceptable in the late 80s through the early 90s era, but now, the guy couldn't even stay alive for more than 20 minutes in a movie...and dies hideously in it too.
If you want movies that are classics by cult standards released after YOTD, check out ANGEL HEART and SPUN. If you want TRUE classics that appeal to all moviegoers, check out BARFLY and SIN CITY. BARFLY may be rated low, but it was a smash hit with critics and has a highly devoted cult audience as well.
I have this Mickey Rourke thing going on too, I've been just madly watching his films for the past month or so. I've purchased Sin City, Johnny Handsome, Year of the Dragon, Body Heat, Angel Heart and Desperate Hours. I've also managed to see Barfly, Rumble Fish, Diner and The Pope of Greenwich Village. Mickey is the $hit.
Mickey is my favorite man...today I can say I've watched all movies with him as leading role (or at least a decent supporting role). I was suprised how good he was in The Year of the Dragon,but there are also other must-see-Mickey-movies like Angel Heart,Johnny Handsome, Nine and 1/2 weeks (where he was GORGEOUS), Sin City, Barfly, Rumble Fish,Pope of Greenwich village...and my guilty pleasures - Harley Davidson and Marlboro man (I just love Mickey's performance there) and Wild Orchid (because I wouldn't mind if I was in Carre Otis's place in the movie,lol)