Terrible. Racist. Incoherent ...... I'm stunned.
I'm struggling to understand why some people think this film is so great. There's certainly a good concept buried in there somewhere...and if someone said the original script was good I could imagine it. But watching this for the first time I was staggered by how much of a mess it is.
It's so incoherent it looks like there was 3 directors and 4 editors! Characters appear and then just disappear (Denis Dunn??). Characters disappear for a reason and then reappear for no reason (Caroline Kava, Victor Wong??). And as for the acting....good god...John Lone is giving an Oscar performance whilst Ariane Koizumi and Caroline Kava are so bad it is literally laughable.
And after all the choppiness and confusion with story threads that are never fully realised, there's the question of racism. By chance I've read a few articles recently on the lingering objectification of East Asian women...and I have to say this is a blatant example. The lead character is supposed to be a flawed hero who is trying to clean up the corruption and can't be bought (because he's a Pole). However he turns up at Ariane's and there is this truly weird scene combining clichéd Asian female submission to white men (no means yes) bordering on a rape scene. Cut to another scene and suddenly the next time they meet she says "I love you"
I honestly can't believe this scrambled mess of a movie. Watch it for John Lone and that's all,