I think it's a nice movie
One can criticize this movie under many aspects, but first of all the cinematography is nice, there is quite a great artistic work done on picture which is rare nowadays, without ostentation. Also, the camera moves respect us, audience and subject, he let things live, not like Fellini or Scorcese...
So what is this all about... ? it's not a "classic" thriller. It *has* a style, an artistic feature like Carpenter's work (one chinese old guy plays in Carpenter's movies) or like Verhoven. Once you know his style, you learn his personality and accept his work. Comparing it to mainstream is missing the point.
I like Cimino for his decency, not throwing stuff at us even if action would require it in other places. There is a decent and quit likeable homosexuality, just gentle, and every thing is a bit underplayed and this is just a mark of taste. It's underplayed to let us freedom to enjoy actually, the picture.
Like in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, characters are not so wood-carved, it's all not so sure, indeterminate, because something else matters to Cimino as plot, characters etc, i think it has to do with his sexuality, but.. in fact there is something as a hidden riddle or mystery in his work and this is something deeply touching.