MovieChat Forums > When the Wind Blows (1988) Discussion > favorite scene/quote. (or unexpected thi...

favorite scene/quote. (or unexpected thing)

i like how here is this older english gentleman with his wife, with propper languege and calmness, then the radio goes " 3 minutes". the man begins to go hysteric, and the wife says "3 minutes? i'm just gonna do this laundry..", then the man says "Take shelter, you stupid bitch!". It was so out of character and unexpected!

the girl that stoped smiling,
there was a girl around,
that had the brightest smile in town,
one day, all the light was gone,
days seemed duller, since she didn't glow on,
what had happened, i don't know,
but her lovely smile was gone,
days didn't seem as sunny as before,
not knowing what i could do to put it back on,
everywhere people were looking miserable and sad,
guess it rubbed off having the girl like that,
wish there was something i could do, she had me flying,
the girl that stopped smiling.


There's no need to forget your manners just because there's a war on.


Yes, I loved that too!

Also she says 'Oh noooo I've left the oven on'!!

I often drink to make people seem more interesting
