It's been a long time since I've seen this film Nat, but I was just thinking about it, so here I am. In fact, I saw it in a theatre, so that gives you an idea how fresh this is in my memory. Having said that, I do recall the feelings that I had on viewing it.
If you've been looking at the descriptions, I think you'll get the general idea of what the film is about, that being a kindly old couple, simple folk, who survive the initial attack in a nuclear war and slowly get sicker and sicker from radiation sickness, while little understanding why there's been a war at all, and waiting for the government to come and restore order.
I don't want to get into spoilers, so I won't say too much more. Regarding sex, I don't recall any, an no real violence (no gore, in any event) excepting war related jeopardy.
The movie is disturbing in the way that it effects you as you think about what you've seen rather than just scaring you like a horror movie would. Hope this is helpful.
"There's poo in there" - Zack