I saw this movie for the first time. It really touched me. I was wondering if this film should have a remake. If so, tell me who you think would be the best people to make it. This includes the actors, the composer, the writers, the producers, and the director.
It's an animation that is based on the cartoon drawings of the book so I don't see how it could be remade whilst maintaining the same appearance.
The voice actors are perfect (The late John Mills was ideal), and the graphics were amazing. For example the sausages in the pan and the steam from the teapot. The nuclear blast was also rather good so I don't think anything new could be brought to the table.
The more simplistic graphics are what make this animation film so endearing. It's a timeless classic and is not in need of improvement.
There's 3 ways a man can wear his hair; front-parted, side-parted or departed
I agree dude. How come someone who states they loved the film go on about it being remade into a live action feature. I watched the film the other day, its so perfect, its a masterpiece. Very moving film.
I hate it when people go on about remakes as if their minds have been brainwashed by hollywood into thinking its ok to remake timeless classics such as these just because the technology used to produce CGI is close to becoming infallible.
Please guys, stop all this remake nonsense and giving hollywood more ideas to trash classics that don't need remaking.
Its funny, cause 10 years ago we wouldn't be having this discussion as remakes weren't that fashionable at the time. Now, whenever you come across a board for an old film that has a very strong premise you keep getting people who imagine a new cast line up with a director who would be suited to the project. Bleeurrgh.
Yep, it's like on the Jaws board. I'm fed up of reading about remake threads. Jaws was another timeless great considering the problems Spielberg had getting the mechanical shark to work.
The only way to make that would be using computer graphics but I see no point in it. It's still a great watch and it's over 30 years old now!
There are some films admittedly that were crying out for a remake due to the fact that when they were originally made, the era was not one where certain subject matter could be shown on screen. Lolita was a great remake with Jeremy Irons. The original was also good but the remake has more poignancy to it and better cinematography and it's a little more graphic but still sensitively handled.
But When The Wind Blows ought to be left well alone.
Titanic was a great remake in terms of the actual ship but typical 'Horror Wood' had to spoil it with some namby pamby unrealistic love story. They ruin everything with their unnecessary exaggerations. I dread to think what they would do if they made a feature about When the Wind Blows. They'd include everything but the original story...lol
There's 3 ways a man can wear his hair; front-parted, side-parted or departed
I don't think a remake would work, its time has passed. It's a political film about a nuclear climax to the cold war, about how the Dunkirk spirit of the intended audience's parents and grandparents would be futile in the face of a nuclear holocaust. I don't think a modern anti-war film could portray this level of hopelessness and dispair.
Sometimes remakes are the only way to get a new generation of fans. I'm not saying I always agree with it, but I don't think remakes are always a bad thing. I always go back to the Hammer films of Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Mummy from the 60's, which, to me, are far superior to the Universal monster films from the 30's.
When the Wind Blows doesn't need a re-make, for sure, but it's also a shame that so many people have never even heard of this film, let alone seen it. Would it take a re-make to get people to check out the original?
What we need is better availability for films like this.
Geez, how close-minded. There have been plenty of films remade outside of Hollywood that have been faithful to its original source. And sometimes even more entertaining.
Having said that, I don't really believe that this film needs a remake. I would suggest reading the book and than watching this film. It has a beautiful score by Waters and a wonderfully acted cast. As well, the animation is excellent. One of the things that really stands out about the film.
this movie does deserve at least a re-release. a remake would be ok, live action possibly but as long as nothing is changed. I think maybe Richard Briers would be good as the lead. But i dont think it would ever get made. I just finished watching it now and I was so deeply moved and saddened by it.
I saw this movie for the first time. It really touched me. I was wondering if this film should have a remake
These two statements contradict each other... If it was such a great movie, then why would you want a remake?
I don't get the point of remakes for good films! I can understand remaking a bad film if you think it was a good idea and you could do it better, but what's the point in remaking movies that are already good?
__________________ I said there'd be a pandemic when pigs fly! But the swine flu.
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