MovieChat Forums > Weird Science (1985) Discussion > "Not the chick with the big big titties"

"Not the chick with the big big titties"

OMG. That whole scene is hilarious. AMH being drunk sittin' round the table with all those dudes at the club.


"Every damn night?"

"On the telephone?!"

"What this man talkin' 'bout on the telephone?"

This film should be played LOUD


She's into malakas, dino.

Motown, get your Detroit jukebox jheri curl ass in this chicken sh!t chop-chop, ASAFP!


Props to John Hughes for writing it, and to AMH for playing it PERFECTLY.

This scene is a direct extension of the scene in The Breakfast Club. "Chicks cannot hold they smoke. That's what it is."

And if you didn't notice, Dino (as in, "She's into malaccas, Dino.) is Carl the Janitor.


I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Awesome movie in general but this scene is hilarious! Chet cracks me up also...can never watch this movie enough.


He's also Oily Bohunk from Sixteen Candles (Sam's sister's fiancé). And the sniffing Accountant from Seinfeld. Love that guy.
