As funny as any film in last decade ??
This film got a bum rap as most classic comedies do on IMDB. I don't get the rating system for comedies on this site but nonetheless Volunteers is really funny.
This film is classic funny Hanks the the great John Candy in the 80s when comedies ruled. One can argue that this film is as funny if not funnier than any comedy in the last decade. This can be said for pretty much all the Candy, Murray, Hanks and Akroyd films of the 80s and early 90s.
What warrants a 5.4 rating on this film? Who knows !!! Like I said before , the old comedies that were classics get no love and the original Hangover is in the 7s. The funniest film IMP was Meet the Parents in the last 12 years and there are very few really good ones made anymore.
Forget the critics on this one . This film deserves to be in the 7s and even forget the rating even !! It's just plain hillarious.