Geography 101

Carla mentions that she is from New Jersey and is driving to San Francisco. How does she end up in Spokane? That's a few miles north of her destination.


I kind of assumed that if she was hitching, she kind of went where the driver was going....but I wondered the same thing. NJ to CA, and she ended up in Spokane??

Good ol' Coney Island College. Go WhiteFish! -- Fry


Just because she is from New Jersey doesn't mean she was going to San Francisco from there. She may have been lving somewhere else for a short while.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?



Probably went north out of Chicago instead of going East through Iowa and Nebraska. I would much rather go through North Dakota and Montana than Nebraska and Utah.




She might have been going wherever her ride was going and she was finding her way to san fransisco when the driver is happening to be heading that way and she happened to end in Spokane where her ride ended so she decided by buy a car but got ripped off but wait a minute, she used all her money on a car but yet how is she still going to get to CA if she has no money for gas? She can't make it down there on one tank.


This movie was made in 1985.... people got lost trying to go cross country in those days... it's not like it is now adays.....


Didn't they read road atlases back then?


She knew she should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque.


Saturday morning 80s kids will only get that line
