Anybody notice in the 1st period shute takes louden down out of bounds and the referee says "out of bounds, still neutral" or something to that nature. Then they go back to the center and start in referee's position and Shute breaks Louden down and the ref goes "takedown two!".....what in the hell? lol. I understand its a movie, but thats kind of a dumb mistake they made for a this movie....
Yeah but the thing is they went out of bounds on their feet and the ref said no take down, then they start in ref position, meaning there was a take down. but the ref clearly says there wasnt one. should have started back on their feet.
It was a big mistake not caught by the editors. One would think they would have had someone with a wrestling background helping out with that scene in the editing room to make sure a glaring mistake like that did not exist.
Another glaring mistake was the dual with Central??? the purple team, when Louden has to forfeit his match due to blood, which is ridiculous in itself, the dual ends and the teams shake hands....what about the upper weights that did not get to wrestle??? There were still two or three weight classes left. Duals then always started at the lowest weight and worked up to HWT.
No way a defending state champion, who carries a log up a football stadium, gets thrown with 20 seconds left. At worst, Shute would have cut him loose and stahled to win the match.
Plus Louden would have been drained in the third period from cutting all that weight.
This has been noted many times, it is just an editing thing. And I don't blame the editors for not "knowing wrestling" either. I'm sure they knew what they were doing. They probably shot twice as much footage for the match than they could end up using (if not more) and had to make some edits for time and flow. There was likely a snippet between those two cuts that didn't make the final film. They had to leave the audio giving "no points" in place in order to keep the story correct, but obviously just "jumped ahead" a bit in the match to a point farther along. Yeah, it's a score and continuity thing, but no big deal. It is a story, not a training video.
A match between two elite state wrestlers would never score what they did. The score would be likely less than 10 points combined. But it was a mobile which would never have shown 6 minutes as 5-3