Wrestling Movies
Can people post up wrestling movies they know about.
shareTake Down (1979)
not as good a as Vision Quest but i enjoy it. (partly for nostalgic reasons, as much of it was filmed at my high school - and my old wrestling coach appears in it...)
good luck finding a copy of it to watch, though.
Depends on what type of wrestling you mean. Topkapi features traditional Turkish wrestling, where the competitors are covered in oil and wrestle in an outdoor arena. All the Marbles features female pro wrestlers and treats the bouts as staged competition. Apart from that, it's a relatively accurate look at women's wrestling. World According to Garp has a tangental connection to wrestling. The Wrestler (70s) film is a more than ridiculous look at pro wrestling, through the eyes of a promoter (Ed Asner) and featured performers from Verne Gagne's AWA promotion, though it treats the subject seriously. Paradise Alley is another pro wrestling film that is a bit of a mixture of serious and silly. The Santo and Blue Demon movies feature lucha libre bouts, with more mat action than modern lucha, plus battles with vampires and mummies and other monsters and mad doctors.
"Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!"
Check out "Legendary" starring pro wrestler John Cena. It's much better than "Vision Quest" and unlike that film, it features A LOT of wrestling footage. It deals with a highschool wrestler who's older brother was State champion, before he wrecked his life with drinking and petty crime. The younger bro tracks down his older sibling (John Cena) and the two re-establish their connection while they train together. Yeah, it's a bit corny, but aren't all these sports films, to a degree? The best thing is the ending, which is really unpredictable, and unconventional.
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'
I remember Henry Winkler in "The One and Only" where he plays Gorgeous George or a character like him.
Headley's Rebellion and Foxcatcher.
Go Big Red
No Holds Barred. Definitely not a good movie but it's Hulk Hogan's first attempt at being a leading man and it's such a trainwreck it's hilarious for all the wrong reasons.