MovieChat Forums > The Toxic Avenger Discussion > Well, I guess it was inevitable...Yep, r...

Well, I guess it was inevitable...Yep, remake confirmed.

FU mainstreamers, FU!!!

I support low-budget horror movies


Hopefully it'll be better than the sequels. Citizen Toxie grew on me. It was good as a stand-alone film, but I can't connect it to the original.

For example, Sara in the 1st film was more a girl-next door type.
She also dressed more casually. She was cute, and could be sexy without looking cheap.

And she was peppy. But for all the sequels, it was apparently decided they wanted her to be stupid. And, for me personally, that took away the appeal of her character.

But given how things are today, whoever plays Sara won't be any better than the others in 2-4. They're probably gonna cast some overly made-up playboy-looking super woman, rather than a simple realistically cute woman. And she's probably still gonna be stupid, rather than perky and a bit clumsy -like the original.

Then there's the matter of getting someone with a good build to play Toxie. David Mattey, in Citizen Toxie, was too skinny. Otherwise, I did think he was a good Toxie. Just not for a sequel to the original. He is not like the original Toxie. His character is different. If they wanted to remake Toxie and recreate him in Mattey's image from CT, then it could work. So that's why I disconnect the sequel.

Maybe the remake will be good and recapture the original decently, and they can make sequels based on that. But I have my doubts. The campiness from the 80s may have died there. The film will probably try to be more "serious" with more soapy drama. They're gonna take the fun and silliness out of it and try to make Terminator, or Batman, or something.
If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand!


I'm cool with that. If it brings more money to Troma, I don't see the harm. Not like Toxie hasn't already been in the mainstream, with the cartoon and everything. He's practically a household name at this point. He's Troma's version of Mickey Mouse. I say give it a shot.

Don't give up the fight for truly independent cinema!


I'm not against it in terms of cash grab or laziness, since like someone else said it may bring more fans to troma in general. I'm against it because toxic avenger to too much a product of its time to be replicated now. I could see them turning into the style of those awful '____ movie' parody type films.
