November & December is the LA rainy season, and because a heavy (unpredictable) rain can make the LA river full, it stands to reason that filmmakers aren't going to schedule expensive shooting days there during those months (How do you know which LA River you're going to get on the day of the shoot?).
As an aside, there are forces in LA who are trying to make it 'green' and wet year-round, to turn it into an aquatic Runyon Canyon for day-to-day recreational use. I think that is stupid for two reasons:
(1) The number of citizens it will service is miniscule. i..e, Poor Bang for the Buck . . . . or, more precisely, poor Bang for the $1,000,000,000.
(2) A barren L.A. River is an informal trademark of Los Angeles (a metaphor for the paucity of original ideas in the local film & TV industries, etc.,), not unlike the way surviving the high crime rate in 1960’s/1970’s-era New York City was considered a Merit Badge of sorts to their residents. (New York later “solved" their distressing crime rate, but with Fascist mayors who sissified the city)