Things I learned watching The Sure Thing
1) Gib had this whole thing planned
2) That wasn't Gib; he doesn't know why he said those things
3) Lance is talkin' to ya cordless
4) That's new
5) He's Gary Cooper, but not the Gary Cooper that's dead
6) Allison should have taken the bus
7) Allison and Gib are ruining it for everyone
8) Jason never eats food he thinks is bad for him
9) Nothing ever gets done on a Friday night
10) It's too stuffy in the library
11) In America you can go anywhere
12) Casiopia gets a lot of play in John Cusack Movies (see Serindipity)
13) When he was six, Gib wanted to be an astronaut
14) Jimbo's never met anyone like you before
15) That is the most enormous pile of horses*it Gib has ever heard
16) Effective horses*it is how Jimbo got Lucy
17) Gib and Allison speak each other's unspoken language...fluently
18) She's checking under the thing. What's under there, Gib doesn't know
19) Elliot is a fat kid who eats paste
20) Gib doesn't have to sleep on the floor
21) It's important that this place should have an air-tight security system, IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!!
22) Credit cards work in a completely different kind of lock
23) Gib appreciates the magnitude of his impending good fortune
24) Astronauts get all the Tang they can drink
25) Spontinaity has its time and its place
26) Junk food doesn't deserve the bad rap it gets
27) Allison didn't have to come over here and sit down
28) When shotgunning a beer, Gib is using a pen
29) Drinks are on Gib; they're on Gib
30) Gib is a good lookin' guy. He is, he is a good lookin' guy
"She's, like, a biscuit older than me..."