Song in the Movie

Does anyone know the name of the main song or who it's by? The one that is played twice, both when Connie and her mother are dancing to it and also at the end when Connie is dancing with her sister. The only lyric I remember is "You'll come running to me." I can't get the song out of my head, somebody please help!


The song is Handyman by James Taylor


The song is Handyman by James Taylor. He also sings the title song but I am not sure of the title (song playing while they are riding in the pickup after the beach).


Song at the beginning credits is Limousine Driver, also by JT on the Thats Why I'm Here album from '85.


also, the story was inspired by Bob Dylan's "it's all over now, baby blue"


the Original "Hit" Version was "HandyMan" by Jimmy Jones (circa 1960) ... the "slowed-down" Version by James Taylor SUCKS and should NEVER have been recorded. if It ain't-broke , then don't try to fix-It !!!!!
