Augie Hollis

What happened to him? (he played the little brother of Kevin Costner). At the end of the movie he´s waiting outside of the city while the four guys attempt to kill the bad guys. After they won the battle and everything, they ride away...but without the little boy! (Maybe I missed something or it just doesn´t get explained).

"Didn´t you say Jesus was coming!?"


Yes, you missed something. He's the one driving the wagon (his parents are atill healing) when they say good-bye to Jake and Emmett.


First it wasn't his little brother it was his nephew and like the other person said he's driving the wagon.


Am I the only one to find him annoying? The scenes where he tries to leap onto the horse make me cringe a bit. The movie felt like it ground to a halt during those two scenes. Thankfully, both of them were brief.

"You expect me to talk?"
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"---Goldfinger




No, he's not alone in his opinion of that annoying fat-faced turd Augie.

