The midget babies!

Does no one understand the injustice we have been dealt? Obviously we all expected Paden and Stella to be together, right? I was so disappointed by the ending! No passion, no love, no kiss of eternity... Clearly we deserved to see the midget babies that would have been brought about by the union of "Staden". Being deprived the joy of seeing these blessed babies being born I was left with a sour taste in my mouth. I think I'm going to need some whiskey just to get through the night... All I asked for, all I wanted was to see those two beautiful people end up as a couple and produce spawn worthy of Paden's beautiful beard! Is that too much to ask? Forever in my heart there will be a void large enough to fit a massive vessel. Who is with me, will we seek justice and, dare I say, A SEQUEL!! A sequel in which we will see how their love blossomed, and we will get in depth details of their lives after the shootout.

Thank you one and all!

"Did the fog give me these bruises?!" ~ Sir Ensor Doone


... lol For some reason I did'nt get a 'romantic' connection between Stella & Paden ... the non-romantic clues for me were the dog Paden had cared about, his horse, his hat, a good saloon.
He liked knowing where he stoid with people which is why he quit riding with Cobb and his ilk.
If you really wanna analyze it ... "...there's no tellin' what Paden will care about ..."

Paden's tendency to find pleasure in pure, simple, honesty drew him to Stella.
Her character was straight-forward & honest. Paden liked knowing that he knew where he stood with her.
Sorry, no midget babies . . .

A sequel SEQUEL with some sort of romantic development between Arquette & Glenn WOULDA been NICE tho ...
and of course, Klien, and Hunt there as well - an adult Augie in the plot somewhere ...


I agree with you in that I liked Paden and Stella as they remained in this. There's something mysterious about single characters without romantic attachments. For a time I thought surely this is not going to happen when I saw the two getting on so well but thankfully the movie doesn't go down that road. And of course any babies wouldn't necessarily turn out to be midgets from such a union. I've no doubt small women can give birth to tall babies.

I know 'Silverado' has a big cast but I'm disappointed that Linda Hunt is placed down in the rest of the cast section. She is brilliant in this.


I totally agree that Stella and Peyton should have gotten together.

I didn't care for the final scene on the porch. Stella should have been included in that scene or a similar scene. Arguette's character and the other young woman didn't have the vital role in the men's lives as Stella.

I guess it is like you said, Peyton and the brothers weren't ready to settle down.
