it was in the movie that Sorceress was dreaming while she got up there was a sword floating and then she gave that weapon to prince adam but while fighting when prince adam lost his sword and followed adora he broke adora's sword with another sword and finally gave one of them to his sister.can anyone tell me how did he get the second sword?
Sword 1 = Adam's sword Sword 2 = Adora's sword This is all from memory, I haven't seen the film in a while.
The Sorceress found Sword 2 in the portal thingy (the floating sword). Adam, who already had his own sword, Sword 1, was given Sword 2 to take to Etheria. Adam fought the baddies in Etheria with Sword 1, but lost Sword 1 during the battle. When he was facing off with Adora, he broke her crappy regular non-magical sword with Sword 2, then realised who she was, and was attacked while he was distracted. Adora took Sword 2. Battle Cat found Sword 1 and took it, waiting until he could rescue Adam. When he did, he returned Sword 1 to him. When Adam was recaptured, Adora took Sword 1.
Adora kept Sword 2 until the Sorceress spoke to her through it, then helped rescue Adam the second time (for a dude with such allegedly mad skillz, he sure does need rescuing a lot). She returned Sword 1 to Adam, and kept Sword 2 for herself.
It reminds me of a question I had even when I first watched this when I was a kid.
When the Sorceress gave Adora's sword to Adam, he immediately sheathed it on his back. However, Adam's own sword would have already been sheathed on his back. How could two swords have fit?
Also, in the He-Man series, I used to wonder how Adam could hide his sword underneath the jacket he always wore because the sword was rarely shown until Adam reached for it to change into He-Man.
In some She-Ra episodes, when Adora was locked in a dungeon, she still had her sword on her. This leads me to believe the sword had some kind of invisibility power.
--- House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!