Anyone see this at the theater?
I was a huge 'Masters of the Universe' fan as a kid, and I remember being excited about there being a 'He-Man' movie. I saw it opening weekend and recall that they handed out some sort of slick pamphlet to all of the kids. I can't remember what was in it; coupons or toy adverts maybe. Anyone remember this?
When it was over I, like every other little boy in the theater I'd bet, was mortified that 'He-Man' was only in it to introduce 'She-Ra'. I felt I had been tricked into watching 'My little Pony' on steroids! I felt we had been robbed of a proper 'He-Man' movie. I pretty much abandoned 'He-Man' after that [well, until I became an adult anyway ] and I never did watch an episode of 'She-Ra'. I can't help but think that 'Secret of the Sword', while successfully launching 'She-Ra', all but killed the enthusiasm for 'He-Man' amongst boys.
Recently I watched 'Secret of the Sword' for the first time in over 20 years and while it's a bit clumsy and awkward [You probably know it was originally supposed to be the first 5 episodes of the 'She-Ra' cartoon] it's actually got a few things going for it; especially the lively secondary characters. I also watched a few episodes of 'She-Ra' [The "Best of"] and they were fairly well done.
Anyway, if you were a girl when 'Secret of the Sword' came out I'm sure your reaction to the movie was far different than a boys. I'd be curious what the reaction to it was from those who saw it at the theater back in '85; boys & girls.
’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!